Beijing has promulgated new regulations. The employer refuses to hire women or reduce the benefits of female employees on the grounds of gender.10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 9700) fine.NotSurging News reported on Friday (February 3) that the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the benchmark table of administrative penalties on January 13 (involving the Women's Rights Protection Law).NotThe benchmark designed to implement the prohibition of the Chinese Women's Rights Protection Law on the gender discrimination of employment gender, protect women's labor and social security rights, and eliminate employment gender discrimination.NotThe newly announced tailoring benchmark table proposes four illegal acts about gender discrimination.This includes that during the recruitment process, the employer refuses to hire women or differentiates for women's employment standards on the grounds of gender.NotIn the assessment of welfare benefits and promotion, due to the reasons such as marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave, breastfeeding, etc., the salary and benefits of female employees are reduced, and the female employees are promoted, promoted, and appraised for professional titles and positions.(Employment) Contract or service agreement.NotIt also includes the termination of labor (employment) contract or service agreement during the pregnancy of female employees and enjoying maternity leave according to law.When implementing the national retirement system, the administrative penalties are discriminated against women such as gender.NotIn the above behavior, the benchmark table will determine the free tailoring standards for administrative penalties in accordance with whether the employer is ordered to correct the rejection of correction, whether the number of illegal acts involves the number of people involved, whether it affects the health of women, and whether it affects the health of women.NotThe employer's implementation of illegal acts has caused substantial damage to female workers, or formed bad social impact consequences such as social public opinion and emergencies.fine.