Scholars interviewees analyzed that the Hu Xinyu case reflects the people's trust in the local government.Hu Mansong, deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department and the leader of the guidance team of the Provincial Public Public Security Department, said: "We still have insufficient work. We will do it against each other to further improve our work."

Hu Xinyu, the disappearance of Shangrao Middle School students in Jiangxi, China, caused Chinese society to question the ability to handle cases in China.There are insufficient existence; Chinese official media CCTV rarely previews and broadcasts the conference of this local social case.

The analysis of scholars interviewed, the Hu Xinyu case reflects the lack of trust in the local government. If the official does not attach great importance to it, the incident may cause anger.

Hu Xinyu, a 15 -year -old student of Zhiyuan Middle School in Shangrao Leadama County, Jiangxi, disappeared on the school on October 14 last year.After the joint work of Jiangxi Province, cities, and county public security organs issued more than 200 words on January 29, it once again triggered the attention of Chinese society to cases.

Because the body discovered that the place was only a few hundred meters away from the deceased's school, many netizens questioned the case disclosed by the police. The biggest controversy was that the official carpet search contains the grain depot, why no body was found.There have also been rumors such as "Hu Xinyu was killed by the teacher" and Hu Xinyu thrown corpse after being cut off organs due to rare blood type.

China Official Media will be rare on Wednesday (February 1) rare predictions of Jiangxi Province, city, and county joint work classes on Thursday will hold a press conference on Thursday.Questioning at Lishan County at the press conference.

Hu Mansong, deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department and the leader of the guidance team of the Provincial Public Security Department, responded to the reporter's question that the police had launched four searches and visited the grain depot.The unit is required to continue self -examination.He acknowledged: "There are still insufficient work, we will be in contrast to further improve our work."

One by one refuting the online rumors of the deceased recording exposure to suicide

Hu Mansong refuted various rumors about Hu Xinyu's cause of death on the Internet, emphasizing the work of investigation, on -site investigation, corpse inspection, physical evidence inspection and appraisal, etc., and found that Hu Xinyu died of self -proclaimed.The two sections "clearly reflect the willingness to suicide."

He criticized that a few people had eyeballs, popularity, drainage for profit, maliciously fabricated and spread false information, stitching false videos, causing bad effects and disturbing social order.

Public security organs have sorted out and mastered the five categories of more than 120 false information such as online fabrication of false facts, making false scenes, making false recording, stitching monitoring videos, and fake incidents.Perform strikes.

Hu Xinyu's case again appeared on Weibo hot search again on Thursday. Eight of the top 10 hot search entries on the hot search list that morning were related to Hu Xinyu.Many netizens have expressed their attention to the mental health of young people, and some netizens have proposed dissatisfaction with the ability of police cases.

Analysis: If the official does not pay attention or provokes the anger

The former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, Hu Xi, posted on Weibo on Weibo, saying that "this is a press conference with sufficient dry goods", and called on "everyone should support such press conferences to become the standard for future sensitive incidents."

The public opinion around Hu Xinyu's disappearance highlights the problem of insufficient official letter power, the online media "Hong Kong 01" described the incident as a "public relations crisis" in the report; VOA questioned China in an interview program about Hu XinyuThe government "stepped into the Taxi trap".

Since last year, incidents such as Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl, Tangshan Barbecue Store, Henan Village Bank and other incidents have caused public opinion tsunami.Cause attention.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Hu Xinyu had a long investigation time, many of them, and involved minors;The anger further affects the credibility of the local police.

Tang Renwu believes that although there are still some doubts on the Internet, the official put forward clear evidence at the press conference to explain that Hu Xinyu is self -proclaimed and helps calmly reclaim relevant public opinion.