Lang Fengyu, who worked in Urumqi, Xinjiang, returned to his hometown in September last year and was infected with multiple people. He was investigated by the local police for suspected obstruction of infectious disease prevention.On January 30 this year, the local Public Security Bureau made a withdrawal of Lang Fengyu and lifted the bail pending trial.

According to the surging news report, Lang Fengyu and his son who worked in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and his son, and Chongqing Puyang worker, returned to Chongqing on September 30 last year.After arriving in Xiushan on October 2, he went to the hospital for nucleic acid on the morning of the same day. After receiving a negative nucleic acid report in the afternoon, he dinner with his wife and mother's family that night, and went to the hotel where his uncle's family was preparing for a wedding hotel.

Late at night on October 2nd, the epidemic prevention and control staff of the Xiushan County Disease Control Center informed Lang Yingyu that its nucleic acid testing was positive.That night, he and his family, and other close -up personnel were brought to the isolation point to isolate.In the next few days, more than a dozen of people who had dinner with him and played cards successively had symptoms of infection.Later, the Public Security Bureau of Xiushan County decided to investigate Lang Fengyu for suspected obstruction of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

China officially implemented the "Class B and B" on the crown disease on January 8 this year. On this day, the Supreme People's Court and other five departments jointly introduced the adjustment of the prevention and control policies of the epidemic in the new stage.Apply for notice of relevant criminal cases.It stipulates that: the crime of violating the prevention of the new coronary virus infection epidemic, control measures and the provisions of national health quarantine regulations will no longer be punished by the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and obstructing the crime of national health quarantine.

The Xiushan County Public Security Bureau made a withdrawal of Lang Fengyu on the evening of January 30, and lifted the bail pending trial.Relevant authorities said that the Chongqing police will have been withdrawn all the immune -related cases in the public security investigation stage and similar to Lang Fengyu.

Lang Fengyu said in an interview that although he saw the notice of "Type B and B" and the two highs, he himself did not take the initiative to contact the police to apply for lift measures.

On the afternoon of January 30, the relevant departments of Chongqing introduced that according to the policies at the time, the public security organs took criminal compulsory measures against Lang Yingyu in accordance with laws and regulations.With the adjustment of the national epidemic prevention policy and the relevant provisions of the two highs and two highs, when considering the legal effect of the case, the public security organs must also consider the social effects of the case.Crimes and compulsory measures will also affect these people to go out to work. They will conduct flexible law enforcement treatment with the Chongqing police after consideration.

Lang Fengyu interviewed on January 31 that at 9 o'clock the night before, he received a call from the case handling staff of the Public Security Bureau of Xiushan County to inform him and the guarantor to the Public Security Bureau.After they arrived, the police handed over the decision of the cancellation case printed and lifted the bail pending review decision to let him sign it.