(Beijing News) Recently, the Microsoft Suzhou Branch has recently been rumored to lay off a large -scale layoff, but people familiar with the matter said that Microsoft China did not receive any notice from the Microsoft headquarters on the layoffs of Suzhou.

Surging News on Friday (February 2) learned from people familiar with the matter that Microsoft's China has not received any documents or news about Microsoft's headquarters about the layoffs of Suzhou, so the news is not true.

But people familiar with the matter said that there are many product lines in Suzhou in Microsoft. If the adjustment of the relevant product lines in Microsoft's headquarters involves Suzhou, Microsoft Suzhou may be affected, but there is no news at present.

Recently, a screenshot of the Chinese network has spread, spreading the news that Microsoft Suzhou may face large -scale layoffs.The highest employee can be compensated for "N+12" monthly salary, and the company will continue to pay social insurance for one year for employees.In addition, the laid -offs will also be lifted if they hold the company's shares and can sell them.

The news of generous compensation immediately aroused heated discussion on the Internet.It is reported that Wang Yongdong, a senior vice president of Microsoft Global and Chairman of Microsoft R & D Group, also issued a clarification email to employees, saying that he did not know any plans to close the Microsoft Suzhou site.

Wang Yongdong said that it usually does not respond to similar rumors. The exception is that a lot of inquiries have aroused internal and external attention.He called on employees to return to work and focus on customer and user services. "Do not waste valuable time on this unfounded rumor, and do not further spread rumors."