US President Biden and First Lady Gil on Thursday (On January 26th) In the evening, the Lunar New Year enrollment was held in the White House.

According to VOA, Biden delivered a speech under the background of the red fan and the golden "blessing".He first prayed and sorrowful to the victims, and then welcomed Asian Americans, Aboriginals in Hawaii, and members of the AAPI community.

Biden said: "Jill and I are honored to welcome you to participate in such a Spring Festival recruitment at the White House and your home. This is your home."

Bynden emphasized that with the increase of anti -Asian hatred crimes, the Asian community has experienced profound hatred, pain, violence, and losses. This crime is caused by the incredible speech related to the crown disease epidemic to some extent.Essence

A 72 -year -old Asian American last Saturday (21st) was suspected of killing 11 Asians in Montrea Park.Two days later, a 66 -year -old Asian American killed seven people in Banyuewan, including Chinese and Latin farm workers.

Janelle Wong, the United States research and government and political professor of the United States research and government and political professor, said that the Lunar New Year event is the White House to the Asian American community's outlook for the Asian American community.Part of the work is an important symbol of tolerance at a moment of shock and sadness.

Pew Research Center data shows that 22 million people in the United States call themselves as Asians, or people who have Asian and other ethnic groups, accounting for 7%of the total population.Their ancestors came from more than 20 countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia and India.

US President Biden and First First First and First First First, First and First First, First First and First First, First Biden and First First FirstMrs. Gill, on Thursday (January 26), held a Lunar New Year enrollment at the White House in the evening. There was a lion dance to help.(Reuters)
US Presidential ByeviationDeng and the first lady Gil, the first lady, held a new year of the Lunar New Year in the White House on Thursday (January 26), and shook hands with the attendees to greet them.(Reuters)