After a magnitude 5.6 earthquake on Thursday (January 26), Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China, the rescue and rescue work ended in the afternoon of the day. There were no casualties in the disaster area and the collapse of the house.

据中国央视新闻报道,四川甘孜州抗震救灾指挥部星期四下午5时发布消息说,目前抢险救援阶段任务已结束,灾区无人员伤亡和房屋倒塌,道路、电力、通信、Water supply and other have returned to normal, the people's lives are guaranteed, and the social order in the earthquake area is stable.

The headquarters said that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ganzi Earthquake Emergency Plan (trial) on the termination of the response, it was decided to terminate the state -level seismic emergency response from 5 pm on the day.

According to previous reports, a magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred at 3:49 am near Luding Moxi Town, Ganzi Prefecture, and was located in the main earthquake area of the "9 · 5" Luding earthquake last year.After the earthquake, the Ganzi Prefecture Earthquake Resistance Division launched the prefecture -level four -level emergency response, established the Luding earthquake earthquake resistance site headquarters to carry out earthquake relief work.