Thirteen people died of severe explosion accidents before the Spring Festival in Panjin City, Liaoning Liaoning.Essence

According to CCTV News on Friday (January 27), Liaoning Province Panjinhao Industry Chemical Co., Ltd. alkyl -based device occurred on January 15 during the maintenance process.35 people were injured, and the State Council's security committee had been listed in the investigation and punishment of the accident.

According to the Safety Commission, preliminary investigations showed that the relationship between the company's exposure to the relationship between the treatment benefits and the safety was seriously unbalanced, the responsibility of the main body of production safety, the hidden dangers could not be thoroughly eliminated, high -risk inspection and maintenance operation safetyThere are many outstanding problems in management and special security rectification.

The report pointed out that the accident occurred during the Spring Festival on the eve of the Spring Festival and at the beginning of the year at the beginning of the year, causing major casualties to cause major casualties, affected bad, and profound lessons.All regions, relevant departments and enterprises should further solidify the concept of safety development, strictly implement safety production measures, focus on preventing and resolving major safety risks, and promoting the implementation of various tasks of the risk of hazardous chemical safety risks.

Requirement requirements, we must immediately organize special investigation and rectification of chemical equipment and equipment with "disease" operation, hidden dangers in key links, strengthen prevention and control measures, and rectify in time.The hidden danger of the accident is immediately handled and thoroughly eliminated.It is necessary to continue to deepen the safety diagnosis and improvement of high -risk device facilities in hazardous chemicals, strengthen the safety management of inspection and maintenance operations, and improve the level of essential safety.

The notification also proposes that it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive investigation of safety risks, and implement the detailed control measures one by one for major dangerous sources, potential risk points, and accidents.It is necessary to compact the responsibility of production safety, strengthen emergency duty and preparation, strictly supervise and enforce enforcement inspections, go all out to do a good job of safety production before and after the Spring Festival, resolutely curb serious accidents, and create a good safe environment for economic and social development.