C919 is the iconic project of China ’s science and technology tackling. It took 15 years from the project to be delivered.When the Chinese State Council approved the project in 2007, the C919 has been positioned as "a major science and technology special science and technology special science and technology".

China's first domestic passenger aircraft C919 is expected to be put into operation in spring. The Chinese media began to be intensive at the end of last year, saying that China has taken the first step to break the monopoly in the European and American aviation industry.Scholars of interviewees analyzed that C919 passenger planes may have a place in the Chinese civil aviation market, but it is difficult to shake the status of the two European and American airline giants, Boeing and Airbus.

The C919 produced by China Chamber of Commercial Fly is a short -range to a medium -range passenger aircraft from 158 to 192 to 192, which is a share of the market for Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

C919 is the iconic project of China ’s science and technology. It took 15 years from the project to delivery.When the Chinese State Council approved the project in 2007, the C919 has been positioned as "a major science and technology special science and technology special science and technology".When China officially inspected the China COMAC Design R & D Center in 2014, "To be a strong country, we must put on the equipment manufacturing industry, make large planes up, and play a role in leading the role and iconic role."

The Chinese Made in China Made in China 2025 Strategic Planning released by the State Council in 2015 also proposed that it is necessary to vigorously promote the breakthrough development of key areas, and aviation was listed as one of the key areas at the time.

Foreign scholars: high dependence on European and American aviation technology

Xinhua News Agency said in the report that C919 is the first time in China "self -developed jet -type trunk aircraft"; there are also domestic public opinion in China that the C919 will be three -legged with Boeing and Airbus in the future, and it also marks that China has developed and produced in the aviation field in the aviation field.It broke the monopoly in Europe and the United States and moved towards independence.

However, the outside world has doubts about the originality of C919. Many foreign scholars refer to C919 highly relying on European and American aviation technology and have not truly realized technology autonomy.

Richard Bitzinger, a part -time senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, pointed out that only about 25%of all components and component projects from C919 came from China, mainly from the body and machine.The manufacture of the wing and the total installation; the C919 aviation electronic equipment, landing gear, cabin, flight control system, and the most important jet engine completely rely on Western suppliers.About 60 % of the foreign suppliers in C919 are from the United States.

SCOTT Kennedy, an expert on China Strategy and International Research Center, described that the C919 is "a Western passenger plane covering a layer of Chinese lacquer", and all the technologies used for flights from the aircraft are from Europe and the United States.

Aviation Commercial News website reports that C919 and Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 have at least 10 years of technical gap. At present, the global passenger component supply chain is also highly concentrated in European and American countries.

Gan Side believes that within decades, China's probability of independent Western in the field of commercial aviation is zero, "the gap between the two is too large."

Aviation Consulting Company Aerodynamic Advisory, managing director of the United States, Richard Aboulafia, said that only the United States and the United Kingdom have successfully constructed commercial jet engines in the world, and only the United States, the United Kingdom and France have successfully developed business in business.Aviation Electronic Equipment Kit.The Soviet Union was the only country that tried to establish a complete commercial jet engine and commercial aviation electronic equipment kit system, but the results were not good.

With China's official preparation for open border, C919 began to accelerate the operation at the end of last year.The C919 model machine progressed slowly after the first test flight in 2017; but in September to December last year, C919 has obtained a model certificate and production license one after another, and officially delivered to the world's first user China Oriental Airline100 hours verify flight.

Since January, the Chinese media have reportedly reported that C919 has reached 1200, and China Eastern Airlines has also launched the second round of C919 cabin service training.The C919 is expected to be put into operation in April, and sails online in Qingdao, Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Kunming, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Shenzhen.

I have not obtained the international recognition of the airworthiness Certificate C919 can only serve domestic routes

C919 has not yet obtained the International Aviation Safety Administration of Aviation Safety or the US Air Administration of Aviation Administration; this means that C919 is currently difficult to export and can only serve domestic domestic routes.

COMAC expects that China will become the world's largest single aviation market in 2041. China's fleet size will exceed 10,000, accounting for 21.1%of global passenger aircraft fleets.The analysis of Airbus and Boeing also pointed out that in the next 20 years, China needs to purchase more than 8,400 passenger planes and cargo planes, worth nearly $ 1.5 trillion (about S $ 1.98 trillion).

Public opinion has believed that even if C919 focuses on the Chinese market, it is enough to obtain considerable market share in the global aviation sector.

Bindu's research and judgment that C919 will not affect the international passenger aircraft market in the short term, but due to national pride, the Chinese government will push Chinese airlines to buy C919, and the Chinese market itself is enough to vigorously promote the development of C919.

But it has been reported that in the next five years, C919 has a capacity plan of 150 annual capacity; from this calculation, COMAC will take about eight years to achieve the current 1200 C919 orders.According to the Financial Times analysis, by 2040, COMAC is expected to only account for 14%of the market share of China's newly delivered passenger aircraft.

Fan Pingzheng, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management of Singapore Management University, pointed out that there are currently fewer public information about C919, and the C919 may take at least one year. After starting domestic flight services, technical adjustments are gradually made, so that it is possible forTo the international market.

C919's current directory unit price is 99 million US dollars. Compared with, the directory price of Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 is around $ 100 million.Comprehensive consideration of the safety records and brand history of these three -driving passenger planes, the price difference of about $ 1 million is not enough to form a significant price advantage.

Fan Pingzheng believes that the C919 is difficult to enter the mature European and American aviation market, but airlines from some developing countries are still actively looking for Boeing and Airbus.Price and no major accidents are still possible to share a share in these markets.