In recent years in the West, China has often described China as a "wolf diplomatic diplomacy". Former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen pointedThis hat should be taken down.

Yang Rongwen served as Minister of Trade and Industry from 1999 to 2004. From 2004 to 2011, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. A large part of the second series of Ningzhi Collection was his analysis of the foreign situation.

He pointed out in the book that some Chinese diplomats were exaggerated when they were defended by the responsibility of the crown disease, which caused adverse effects and allowed Western media to successfully put on their hats for them.However, these diplomats did not try to take off the hat, but were happy to continue wearing it.

Yang Rongwen was interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao, and clicked on the other side of "Wolf Diplomacy".He believes that there are a few "wolves" in the ranks of diplomats, because they are a bit similar to the semi -official Global Times. While expressing their ideas clearly, they keep a distance from the official position.

The Global Times is a newspaper owned by the People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It often makes remarks that meet the nationalist color of the domestic eagle.

Yang Rongwen also pointed out that in terms of diplomacy with Southeast Asia, some major powers are more horizontal than China. "I will not say that China has conducted a wolf diplomatic diplomacy in Southeast Asia."

When talking about the relationship between China and Australia, he believes that the situation and the Australian Prime Minister Albanis began to improve after meeting with Australian Prime Minister Albanis, but this does not mean that Australia will abandon the United States league and fall to China.

Yang Rongwen analyzed in the book that without weakening the relationship with the United States, Australia's most ideal Asian policy is to move closer to Asia's peace, because it can make Australia more flexible when dealing with relations with China, and strengthen the regional status of Asian Ry security regional status.It is beneficial to Australia.He has always hoped that the distance between Australia and New Zealand and Asians, because the close partnership is good for all parties in economics and politics.

As for how to deal with Myanmar, he believes that he can adopt more creative and exquisite diplomatic methods. He is worried that people are interested in the public's pets and a grand statement, and no longer maintain contact with the Myanmar military government behind the scenes.

He wrote in the second series of concentration collection: "I feel a little uneasy about the current way of dealing with the situation in Myanmar in Asia.Outside the door, it is better to play the influence of Ya'an. "

Yang Rongwen emphasized in an interview that if all parties could not be allowed to get off the stage, there would be no solution. Ya'an should be a master of this way.

He pointed out that the Ya'an military has rich experience in dealing with the Burmese military.For example, the honorary state -owned assets Wu Zongdong had a good relationship with the former Burmese military Dan Rui. He once told the other party that the "democratic roadmap" also needed a timetable, and "Dan Rui really came up with a timetable."

Dan Rui served as the chairman of the Burmese National Peace and Development Commission from 1992 to 2011.

reiterate not to run for the election president

At the time of the first series of Ningzhi Collection, Yang Rongwen had made it clear that he would not participate in the election presidential election in September this year.When I was interviewed on Thursday (January 19), he reiterated that he would not run.