(Sanya Road Power) is expected to encourage Chinese consumers to go abroad to shop again, driving the global luxury retail market to recover, but many Chinese are more willing to go to Hainan Island with outlying tax -free policies for high -end consumption.

Thousands of passengers have poured into Sanya Duty Free Shopping Center in Hainan during the Spring Festival holiday on Wednesday (January 25) to buy cosmetics and brand -name handbags.Hainan has implemented the outlying islands duty -free policy since April 2011.

A student named Yu who had been shopping in Harlo Damot, a well -known Mall in the UK, told Reuters: "The United Kingdom is far away, it is difficult to buy a ticket ... but in Sanya, we come, and go away."

After the cancellation of entry personnel and nucleic acid testing from China on January 8, a large number of people travel abroad.According to the online tourism platform, Ctrip data shows that on the day of the announcement of this policy on December 26 last year, the number of international air ticket orders has increased by more than 200 %.

With the retreat of the post -epidemic shopping wave in the United States and Europe, luxury brands and retailers hope that China's outbound tourism tide can further boost this year's sales.However, some experts believe that although the Chinese people can travel freely now, more and more people will choose to buy luxury goods in China.

The person in charge of Shanghai Berger, a consulting company, said that the three -year -old border closed has made Chinese consumers more accustomed to buying foreign luxury goods locally.

He believes that some Chinese consumers will return to the habit of buying luxury goods overseas before returning to the epidemic. "However, I think the local (luxury market) is also important for most brands."