
Northern Remember

The New Year of the Rabbit arrives, and a scolding battle on China is like the new year.How can the fuse of the scolding war revitalize the vitality of the private economy? The two network opinion leaders fought against.Sima Nan, who has the nickname of "professional bad guys" on Ren Zeping, an Internet celebrity economist, has set off a small wave in the recent dull public opinion field.

It is said that Ren Zeping launched the war end through Weibo the day before New Year's Eve, calling on the government to control the "bad guy" who "shouted and kill" to private enterprises, because they destroyed the healthy ecology of the market economy and created public opinion panic.Fragments of the national politics policy.

The former boss Hu Xijin immediately entered the field to persuade him. As a result, he was also politely criticized. He was warned by Ren Zeping to have a "wind bone" and not trying to name it in the "Diao Pan" world.Sima Nan, a target person, is indeed the old rivers and lakes. He first followed the soldiers and was transferred to the scar of Zeping by reposting the article, including the former chief economist of Evergrande, receiving high salaries, and representative interest groups.After some warming field, Ren Zeping's artillery opened all, and almost named "the whole network knows that Sima's head is a bad representative of the bad guy who combates the confidence of the private economy." Sima Nan returned to the court to sue Ren Zeping.By the fourth day of the year, the net red financial writer Wu Xiaobo also joined the battlefield, supporting Ren Zeping, and announced that it was not as powerful as the "sandwiches".

It seems that the war of war is about to be upgraded, but at this time, the Weibo of the main battle has withdrawn the most violent words.In the end, the situation of the war should be Ren Zeping's upper hand, because the original post he posted on the younger night was still there, and he continued to speak for the private economy; the counterattack on Sima Nan's Weibo was deleted, and it seemed "admitting".However, Sima Nan did not lose. He just moved to the YouTube personal channel that he could not see in China, continued to argue for himself, and chased him for two years. Lenovo Holding Zeng Jianluo had questioned assets.

China's public opinion field returns to calm.However, if you think about it carefully, the "New Year's War" still conveys some of the signal worthy of fun: the official is unwilling to see the expansion of the debate about the name of the private enterprise, which has triggered a new round of disputes."Out of".The official will not publicly recognize this, but Sima Nan rarely converges, and it can even be said to be a local muffled sound. It is virtually responding to Ren Zeping's request.The "bad guy" in the mouth of Ren Zeping's mouth is "populous left".As a result of fighting, it once again confirmed that the official is not happy to see the public opinion field so "left".

This is the current great atmosphere in China.In fact, since the Central Economic Work Conference in December last year, China has worked hard to turn its focus back to economic construction.The Central Economic Work Conference is determined to boost confidence and improve expectations, and encourage the development of private enterprises to develop and grow. It is the focus of policy in 2023.

Because it is no longer possible to do so, the signs of China's weak economic weakness have been seen everywhere. Last year's economic growth was only 3%, which was less than half of 2021.Expand 1.2 percentage points.

Local governments have exhausted funds, the market is filled with confusion and anxiety, and the development of the private economy is in a historic trough.Data show that in 2022, the national fixed asset investment increased by 5.1%year -on -year, of which private fixed asset investment increased by only 0.9%.This shows that private enterprises have either investing in scales and injuries, or they have entered "lying down", and some are "moist".

The reasons behind these phenomena are multi -faceted. Omikon poison strains cannot be guarded, strict epidemic prevention and control measures obstruct economic activities.; Sino -US relations have exacerbated the difficulty of China's economy.Internationally, the attention of businessmen and politicians has more attention to the economy, and its optimism with China has also declined.The first negative growth of the Chinese population in the past 61 years has made the situation worse.

China needs to revive the private economy to drive economic development.In this context, some people described that 2023 will be the "reconciliation year" of policy and private enterprises.Since December last year, some local officials and departments have managed to enhance the friendly and friendly atmosphere of private enterprises. For example, the new Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary Yi Lianhong went to the Alibaba Park last month;Yue Gang went to Davos to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. Liu Jun, Executive Vice President of Lenovo Group, was also invited to attend a scientist entrepreneurial symposium held in Tianjin and spoke.

In the middle and long term, China's huge market potential is huge. How easy is it to give up?However, in the short term, it is obviously not enough for entrepreneurs to revitalize their confidence in the posture of officials' performance with private enterprise reconciliation and public opinion.Moreover, the current momentum is unable to be thorough. For example, in this "New Year's War", there is still no public theory for private enterprises.

What can China do to boost confidence?The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "the requirements of the system and legal enterprises and the private enterprises and the private enterprises are described." This can be changed from the document to reality and implemented it. Perhaps this year's national two conferences can be moved.

Another point is that in what considerations China last year and how decision -making decide to decide to relax and prevent epidemic prevention, many people still don't understand it in their hearts, I hope to have a clearer explanation.Speaking of which, the encounters of Ma Yun and science and technology giants are still far from most people's lives, but the impact of epidemic prevention and control measures affects everyone and clearly prominent politics.There is no sign of signs or afterwards, and the sense of uncertainty in people will continue to exist, and rejuvenation will be longer.