Chen Jing Beijing report

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The seven-day CPC 20 Saturday (October 22) closed in the morning, and the election will be elected.The new Central Committee and the Central Discipline Inspection Commission will be announced by the current Politburo members.

The third meeting was held on Friday (October 21) of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It was chaired by the official Chinese official and passed the 20th Central Committee members, alternate members and the Central Disciplinary Inspection Commission candidate for the 20th Central Committee of the delegation.The list of people (draft) decided to submit the list to each delegation for brewing, that is, communicate with each delegation and solicit opinions.

The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency reported that starting on Wednesday, the delegations have carefully prepared the preparation list of members of the Central Committee, alternate members and members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, the conference held a plenary meeting of the delegations, and the above -mentioned members were pre -selected.

The report shows that the difference in the selection of differences (that is, more candidates than the election election), and the difference ratio is as more than 8 % as the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

However, the report did not disclose the specific difference ratio.In contrast, the difference in the election difference between the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 10 years ago was 9.3 %.

At the Twenty CPC Conference on Saturday morning, more than 2,300 representatives of the Communist Party of China and specially invited representatives will select the 20th Central Committee of about 200 members and about 170 candidates, as well as about 130The Central Disciplinary Inspection Commission formed by members.

The list of the Standing Committee of the Politburo will be released tomorrow after the First Plenary Session

According to the CPC Constitution, the National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee of its elections are the highest leadership of the party.More than 200 central members include members of the Politburo and Standing Committee Member of the Politburo, the new State Councilor, the principals of the party and government of various provinces and municipalities, the central ministries and commissions, the National Federation of Trade Unions, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the National Women's Federation and other group organizations.The person in charge, a member of the Central Military Commission, the principals of the Central Military Commission department, the military and military of the PLA, the heads of the major war zones and the principals of the armed police force.

Although the list of the new Politburo Standing Committee that the outside world is most concerned about, it will not be released until the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Sunday, but the name of the current members of the Politburo will not appear on the list of the Chinese Committee on Saturday, it indicates that they will indicate them.It will not enter the new Politburo, and naturally will not be among the Standing Committee.

The unknown members on the list may retire, or serve as non -party affairs work, and retreat to the second line.Taking the former secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Qishan as an example, after the 19th National Congress of 2017, Wang Qishan, 69, did not enter the Central Committee, and then stepped down as the Standing Committee of the Politburo Standing Committee and Secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.

However, he was elected as Vice President of the National People's Congress election in the following year, breaking the practice of the 20 years of vice chairman of the state.