The People's Bank of China authorized the National Bank of China Interbank Borrowing Center on Thursday (20th) to announce the latest first phase of the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR): one -year LPR is 3.65%, and the LPR of more than five years is 4.3%.All were the same as last month.

According to the China News Agency, the reasons for the unchanged LPR, Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, analyzed that with a series of stable growth policies to accelerate the implementation of the implementation, the financial data in September was significantly improved, the credit of credit was effective, and the credit was effective.Requirements, optimization of credit structure.The effect of subsequent policy will continue to appear. In the short term, it will still be at a period of policy effect observation, and the necessity of reducing policy interest rates is not high.

In the month, the interest rate of mortgage mortgages was slightly reduced.According to the mainstream mortgage interest rate data released by the Shell Research Institute, in October 2022, the interest rate of 103 key cities in the 103 key cities was 4.12%, a decrease of 3 basis points from the previous month, and the two sets of interest rates were 4.91%.; October average loan cycle is 26 days, and the overall lending speed is faster.

Liu Lijie, market analyst at the Shell Research Institute, said that the new policy at the end of September was the main promotion factors for the first set of mortgage interest rate recovery in key cities.The New Deal pointed out that the sales price of new commercial housing sales in June to August 2022, which continued to relax the lower limit of the first home loan interest rate in cities with continuous declines in the same period of the same year.

Under this policy, according to the statistics of the agency, as of October 19, the interest rate of the first mortgage rate of 10 cities such as Shijiazhuang, Guiyang, Tianjin, Wuhan, and Yichang fell below 4%.Liu Lijie pointed out that among cities that are currently in line with phased directional interest rate cuts, the interest rates of urban mortgages such as Dalian, Harbin, Wenzhou, and Quanzhou are at a level of 4.1%, and there is still room for recovery in the later period.In the case where the interest rate policy of the two sets of mortgages was unchanged, in October, 95%of the cities of 103 cities remained at a lower limit of 4.9%.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Rules Institute, believes that in the next step, the focus of real estate policy should be impacted by the rescue epidemic, dredging trading links, reducing transaction costs, and encouraging developers to continue their efforts to promote promotions.The supply side continues to make efforts and cooperate with the demand -side policy to make the interest rate cut effect better.