In response to the protesters being dragged into the Chinese consulate in Manchester, the Chinese Consul General of Manchester, Zheng Xi, denied beating people in the incident and said that the beatener "insulted my country, my leader".

On the occasion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 16, protests were held outside the Chinese Consulate General in the Mandarin of Manchester in Manchester, and 30 to 40 participated.During the period, some people who came out of the Consulate General and the demonstrators had physical conflicts, which aroused the attention of British media and politics and upgraded the incident to the diplomatic level.

According to AFP on Thursday (October 20), videos circulating on social media pointed out that the Chinese Consul General in Manchester, Zheng Xiyuan, and the other three people in the consulate involved one of the demonstrators.

According to Sky News Network on Wednesday (October 19), a British media video showed that Zheng Xiyuan pulled the demonstrator's hair and then pulled him into the Chinese consulate in Manchester.The man named "Bob Chan".

In an interview with the Sky News Network, Zheng Xiyuan, the Consul General of China in Manchester, denied hitting, and said, "I did not hit anyone, and I did not let the consulate members fight anyone.Consulate staff. "

I was asked about pulling the demonstrators' hair incidents. Zheng Xiyuan said:" Bob Chan insults my country, my leader, I think it is my responsibility (doing this). I thinkAt that time, the situation was urgent. The man was threatening the life of my colleagues, and we tried to control the situation. It is very important that I want to separate him (the man) from my colleagues. "

For whyThe evolution of the peaceful demonstration was called physical conflict. Zheng Xi originally said that the main reason was that the demonstrators were hung on the "very rude" banner, and the words on the top were bad and unacceptable.He emphasized that it was not proper to hang these banners on the gate of the consulate, so he politely asked them to demolish, but was rejected.

Zheng Xiyuan said in a letter to the Great Manchester police that he was disappointed that the police did not take more measures to protect the security of the consulates, so they decided to protect themselves.

He said that he was attacked by a demonstrator, and one of the staff was even tipped by the other party, and believed that it was a serious harassment of himself, consulate and China.

However, the attacker Chen Bobs recalled that he grabbed the door by himself, but was punched and kicked, and he couldn't last for support. He was finally pulled into the consulate and thought he might be dead."I have never thought that such a thing will happen in the UK."

Agence France -Presse reported that Chen Bobe said that he was pulled by his hair and was attacked by a masked person from the back.Bai was sure that Zheng Xi was attacked by him."This is a barbaric behavior. I am very worried about my safety, and I also have a nightmare for my loved ones." He left Hong Kong last March and settled in the UK.