On the diplomatic level, China has carried out a relatively strong struggle at the diplomatic level.

According to Xinhuanet, at 10:00 on Thursday (October 20), The two of the Communist Party of China Second of the Communist Party of ChinaTop Ten News Center held the fourth reporter's enrollment, Shen Beili, deputy minister of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, Ma Zhaoxu, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, communicated with reportersEssence

Ma Zhaoxu said that in the decade of in the new era, the total number of China established diplomatic relations has increased from 172 to 181, an increase of the number of partnerships with all countries and regions in the world and the number of partnerships from 41 to 113.Promote China and Russia to establish a new era of comprehensive strategic collaboration partnerships.It is proposed that Sino -US relations should adhere to the correct direction of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.Promote the four major partnerships of China -EU constructing peace, growth, reform, and civilization.China's surrounding strategy rely on more consolidation, and it is closer to unity and cooperation with the majority of developing countries.

Ma Zhaoxu said that China's national sovereignty, security, and development benefits have been strongly maintained. Facing external curbing and unreasonable interference, a relatively strong and strong struggle for tit -for -tat.The international community adheres to the pattern of China more consolidated.Strike external forces to interfere with Hong Kong affairs.Continuously frustrated anti -China forces to attack China and defend national interests and national dignity.

Ma Zhaoxu said, at present, the changes of the world, the changes of the times, and the changes of history are just unprecedented.The historical trends of peace, development, cooperation, and win -win are unstoppable. At the same time, human society face many unprecedented challenges.There are indeed some forces in the world to move against the historical trend. Holding the Cold War thinking and zero -harmony game, they are keen to put together the small circle, play the "New Cold War", draw the line with ideology, stir up camp confrontation, engage in hegemony and domineeringLing, this is the biggest threat to world order.A split world does not meet the interests of anyone, and camp confrontation will only bring the world into the dead alley.

He said that China has firmly maintained the basic guidelines of international relations based on the international order based on the United Nations as the core, international order based on international law, and based on the UN Charter's purpose and principles.Develop reasonably.The global epidemic and the Ukraine crisis of the crown disease further demonstrates the truth of building the concept of the community of human destiny.China will stand firm on the correct side of history, stand on the side of the progress of human civilization, hold up the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and win -win, and seek its own development in firm maintenance of world peace and development.With development.