On the afternoon of June 20, it was learned from the Office of Baoshan Municipal Government of Yunnan Province that Deputy Secretary of the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Chen Rui died.

A staff member of the Baoshan Municipal Government said, "Mayor Chen Rui died of illness, and there are no other information that can be provided at present."

At present, the "Organization" column of Baoshan Municipal Government's website has no information from Chen Rui.

Chen Rui

Public information shows that Chen Rui, male, Han nationality, born in June 1972, Xuanwei, Yunnan, a university degree of the Provincial Party School, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1996, and joined the work in March 1992.

In the early days, Chen Rui worked in Qujing City.

In 2009, Chen Rui served as deputy secretary, deputy county chief, and Daixian head of Lu Liang County Party Committee of Qujing City. The following year, he served as the head of Lu Liang County. In 2013, he was the secretary of the Lu Liang County Party Committee.

In 2017, Chen Rui served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Nujiang State Party Committee, and later served as the Minister of the State Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In 2021, Chen Rui served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chuxiong State Committee and executive deputy governor.

In March 2023, Chen Rui served as Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Baoshan Municipal Party Committee.

Public reports show that on June 11 this year, Chen Rui participated in relevant local meetings.