Hong Kong Education Director Cai Ruolian, who has visited many times, said that many foreign countries have misunderstandings about the status quo of Hong Kong due to media reports, so they believe that Hong Kong should explain more.

Cai Ruolian said in an interview published on Monday (June 17) on Monday (June 17) that she went to the United States and Australia in many places in the past year, in addition to contacting local education institutions,Promoting the "Study Abroad Hong Kong" brand also met with government education officials from different countries to pave the way for Hong Kong to build an international education hub.

Cai Ruolian said that during the foreign visit, she found that there were a lot of people who did not know Hong Kong in other places, affected by media reports, and misunderstood the current situation of Hong Kong.She said that in the complex geopolitical situation, "Many media have a one -sided discussion on Hong Kong. In the past, there were many international connections and cooperation in our higher education community.The latest situation.Freedom continues to be guaranteed, "everything has not changed."

Cai Ruolian revealed that in September this year, he will visit France to visit the annual meeting of European educators.She said that in addition to meeting with local officials and scholars and visiting local primary and secondary schools, she will also visit local colleges and universities to discuss exchanges and cooperation and "introduce some famous foreign courses in foreign prestigious universities, which has an important role in the strength of the Hong Kong construction hub."

Earlier, former Hong Kong financial affairs and treasury director Ma Shiheng said on Thursday (June 13) in an interview with "Opportunities Hong Kong" that the Hong Kong National Security Law was a Dinghai God needle, which made Hong Kong chaos and governance, and it was chaotic and governed by Hong Kong.It is said that the government and business circles should publicize more to the outside world and reduce the wrong understanding of overseas companies due to negative Western reports on Hong Kong.