Ma Hui, who had previously served as the Chinese Ambassador to Cuba, has returned to China as assistant to the Minister of the CPC Central Committee.

Comprehensive Chinese media reported on Tuesday (June 18), the official website of the Central United Ministry updated the information disclosed that Ma Hui had been the assistant to the Minister of the Communist Party of China in December 2023.

Public resumes show that 56 -year -old Ma Hui has worked in the Ministry of the United States since 1990. He has served as a cadre and assistant secretary of the first bureau of the Central United Ministry (Asia).In March 1998, he was transferred to Bin County, Shaanxi Province to work as the deputy county head for eight months; the following year, Ma Hui served as the first -class secretary in the Chinese embassy in the British.

Since 2001, Ma Hui returned to the Central United Ministry to work for 16 years. During the period, he served as assistant, deputy director, and director of the Seventh Bureau of the Central Committee (the United States and Congress).

In 2017, Ma Hui was once again sent to the UK as the envoy of the British embassy.Four years after working in the UK, Ma Hui served as the Ambassador to Cuba in April 2021, and was new.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Cuban, Ma Hui accompanied the Vice President of the Supreme People's Court of the Chinese Supreme People's Court of the 11th International Judicial and Law Conference on May 16, Yang Wanming, and the dean of the Supreme People's Court of Cuba Supreme People's Court.The Remushi Olympic session and resigned.This means that Ma Hui will step down as the position of Chinese ambassador to Cuba.

Ma Hui returned to China on June 12. At that time, the Minister of the Central International Relations Department of the Cuban Communist Party, Losada, and the main diplomats of the embassy at the airport.

In the recent leadership adjustment of the Ministry of China, the former Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, Lu Kang, served as the Deputy Minister of the Central United Ministry in March this year.