At the Summit on Thursday night, President Biden was anxious to go to the podium. After answering questions about Hunter Biden's conviction and the possibility of Gaza's ceasefire, he was obviously a little impatient.

But when he was close to the press conference of Ukraine President Zernezki, the Ukrainian leader carefully talked about the increasingly close relationship between China and Russia, and he couldn't help but talk.As soon as Zellezki's words fell, he got in front of the microphone.

"By the way, China is not providing weapons." During the Ukrainian war, Biden said, "but the ability to produce these weapons and available technologies."

"So, this is actually helping Russia," he said.

In the final bulletin, a total of 28 places mentioned China, and almost every place described China as a evil force.

This is in sharp contrast to the portrayal of China a few years ago.

At the previous summit, when the largest economies in the West talked about China, they often cooperated with both parties to deal with climate change, counter -terrorism and nuclear diffusion.Although China has never been invited to join the G7, Moscow joined the organization in 1997, and was suspended from members of Crimea in 2014 -but China is often described as a "partner", a supply of supply, a supplyBusiness, the most important thing is that it is a super customer from German cars to France's high fashion.

History has been turned over.This year, China and Russia are often compared, and the wording of threats is exactly the same.

A senior official of the Bayeng government listened to the leaders of the participants, and then made a brief introduction to the reporter. He described the discussion involving the role of

The official told reporters, "Obviously over time, it is obvious that his goal is obviously dominated by China," involving areas such as trade to security from all over the world.Because he described a closed -door talk, he asked to keep anonymous.

But at this year's summit, China ’s support for Russia has constituted a new point of talks, and may also change the idea of ​​Europe.At the two summits in the past two summits, Chinese characters are hardly mentioned. Even if they are mentioned, it is often about the impact of China as a mitigating force on Russian President Putin, especially people are worried that Putin may be on Ukraine territory.When detonating nuclear weapons.

This time, from the bulletin, the tone is not different.

"We continue to take measures to provide measures in the third countries who provide substantial support to the Russian war machines in accordance with our legal system," said in a statement of leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group.The Chinese entity of the basic procurement of national defense industry takes measures. "

The United States insisted on joining this word and urged allies to cooperate with Bayeng's earlier action this week. At that time, the U.S. Treasury Department released a series of new sanctions measures to prevent Russia's growing technological connection.But so far, members of the Seven Groups rarely take similar measures.

Within the Biden government, more and more people believe that the views of China's role in the Ukrainian war have changed in the past year."There is no end cooperation."

Just a few months ago, most government officials also believed that this statement was too exaggerated, and even Biden expressed doubts about whether the two countries could overcome the huge doubts between the two countries in public.

This view has now changed, and some government officials said that they believe that China is also trying to prevent countries from participating in a peaceful conference by Zestasky organization.More than 90 countries will participate in a meeting held in Switzerland this weekend, but Russia will not participate -a year ago, China, who has said that they are interested in various suspension and peace plans, also said that they will not participate.

The director of the Berlin Carnegie-Eurasian Research Center Alexander Gabev believes that there is now a peaceful effort that it cannot play a core role.

"Russian partners who don't seem to abandon the troubles will not even support Kiev in verbally," Gabayev wrote in foreign affairs magazines on Friday."On the contrary, China has chosen a more ambitious but greater way. It will continue to help Moscow and do not support peace mobilization of Western leaders. I hope to take action quickly and use its influence on Russia to bring both parties on both sidesTake it to the negotiating table to promote a long -lasting agreement.

U.S. officials participating in the summit said they basically agreed to Gabayev's judgment, but they doubted whether China had all the diplomatic experience that made all of this.

However, the transformation of Chinese views far exceeds the question of the finals around Ukraine.A few years ago, European countries that the United States and China were overwhelming against China signed this bulletin this year, calling on Western countries to establish a stronger supply chain to reduce dependence on Chinese companies.

The joint bulletin also implicitly accused China of a series of major hacking attacks on the key infrastructure of the United States and Europe, urging China to "keep a commitment to act in responsible in the network space" and promise "continue to work hard to destroy and curb from China from ChinaRegional continuous malicious network activities, these activities threaten our citizens' security and privacy, destroy innovation, and endanger our key infrastructure. "

This statement seems to be related to a project in China, and the United States calls it "Typhoon Volt".American intelligence officials said that this is a complex action carried out in China to set up water supply systems, grids and port operation systems of the United States and its allies.

Bynden government officials accused of testimony in Congress to testify and interviewed that the real purpose of the malicious software was to obtain the ability to close the important US service when the Taiwan crisis broke out, thereby delaying the speed of the US military response and triggered among the American people.Confusion, because Americans are more concerned about restoring water supply, not immediately supporting Taiwan.