Yunnan's financial system anti -corruption is around.

On June 15th, according to the public account "Qingfeng Yunnan", Wang Bin, former president of the Pu'er Branch of Fuyun Bank suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively investing in the case.Disciplinary review of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team of Yunnan Bank; under the jurisdiction of the Chu Xiong Prefecture Supervision Commission after the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Commission designated, it is undergoing supervision and investigation by the Chuxiong State Supervision Commission.

Wang Bin has been the president of Pu'er Branch of Fuyun Bank for less than a year.Tianyancha showed that in July 2023, Wang Bin served as the legal representative of the Pu'er Branch of Fuyun Bank.Public information shows that in October 2023, Wang Bin attended the event as the president of the Pu'er Branch of the Fugong Bank.

This is the 10th person in the Yunnan Financial System for more than a month.According to the surging news, from April 24th, the Yunnan financial system has at least 5 chairman, one director of the Agricultural Credit Co., Ltd., one chairman of the Agricultural Credit Cooperative, a Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Provincial Association, and 1Director of the Office of the Provincial Association and the President of the Urban Commerce Bank was investigated.

Specifically, in addition to Wang Bin, 9 people who have been checked are: the former party secretary and chairman of Yunnan Qiaoga Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Zeng Yong ;The former member of the Party Committee of Zhaotong Office, the former party secretary and chairman of Zhaoyang Rural Commercial Bank Xiao San ;Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Banking Co., Ltd. Peng Mingchang ; the former party secretary and chairman of Jinghong Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Yang Shengkui ;The former deputy secretary and director of the Rural Credit Cooperative Union Wu Yonghong ; the former party secretary and chairman of Menglian Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Xu Lu Gao Bo , member of the Federation of Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission;

It is worth mentioning that Fuyun Bank has previously set off a "anti -corruption storm".According to the incomplete statistics of Surging News, since 2018, at least 12 cadres have been investigated, of which Cao Yanli, former member of the party committee of Fuyun Bank, Cao Yanli, member of the party committee of Fuyun Bank, and Kong Caimei, deputy president,President.

On March 20, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced the seventh round of inspections of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, which mentioned that it will carry out regular inspections on the Party Committee of the Provincial Rural Credit Union and conduct a "look back".