The International Higher Education Consulting Institution QS announced the latest global university rankings earlier this month. The University of Hong Kong has jumped to 17th, ranking better than Tsinghua University and Yale University of China.However, this century -old institution has recently appeared in a serious personnel dispute.

The source of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong passed the temporary arrangement of a number of vice presidents."I don't know", criticize the school committee to "shake the century -old cornerstone of academic autonomy of the University of Hong Kong."

The Hong Kong University School Committee sent an email to the master and students of Hong Kong on June 10 to fight back and proposed four major charges on Zhang Xiang's management issues, including that since he took office in 2018, he was the chairman of the Education Conference since he took office in 2018.I attended it once; when the university implemented reform and compressed administrative funds, it expanded more than 60 people to the principal's office, and refused to explain related practices.

On the same night, Zhang Xiang issued another 10 points of refutation, including accusing the school committee of the secretary of the school committee constantly asking him.Zhang Xiang also said that his management team would spend a lot of time and energy, "to deal with this hysterical 'witch -hunting" oppression. "

The University of Hong Kong is the most famous university in Hong Kong.Zhang Xiang and Wang Peishi, the protagonists in the storm, are all in the establishment camp.Zhang Xiang is a scholar of "returnees", and Beijing has high hopes for him; Wang Pei Shi, who sniped Zhang Xiang, came from the traditional Patriotic camp of Hong Kong. Her husband is Liao Changjiang, a member of the executive committee and the "squad leader" of the Legislative Council.

Wang Peishi herself is also a "public office king". As a lawyer, she was appointed as the chairman of the minimum wages of the Hong Kong Government in 2017.Since 2017, Wang Peishi has been a member of the Hong Kong University of China and has been the chairman in 2022.

In 2018, Zhang Xiang took over as the president of the University of Hong Kong and was renewed for five years in 2021.At that time, Wang Peishi took over as the chairman of the school committee. Zhang Xiang had issued a statement to welcome Wang Peishi to be appointed, describing that she contributed a lot during the school committee member, leading the strategic development of future universities.Unexpectedly, the news of Zhang Xiang and Wang Pei's poems later came out.

Last September, all the Hong Kong University Communist Party Committee received anonymous email, accusing Zhang Xiang selected the president and vice president of the Medical College, handling donations from mainland China, improper use of university funds to use university funds, and no change in the principal's car.The bidding made the dispute between Zhang Xiang and Wang Pei's poems gradually became heated.

Comprehensive news of all parties, Zhang Xiang and Wang Peishi may not be related to the management style of the two.Zhang Xiang complained that there was a dedication to reform but there were many forces in the school; some people criticized his administrative management and poor interpersonal relationships in the school.After Wang Peishi served as the chairman of the University of Hong Kong, he brought the management style of the past as a public office into the university. Zhang Xiang admired the management style of American universities and committed to promoting the personnel reform of the university.

Nowadays, the two sides are not allowed to make the Hong Kong government have a headache. After all, Zhang and Wang are all their own, and their hands are the meat.In addition to laughing, the two of them continued to struggle, but also affected the sense of society's perception of the University of Hong Kong.

A few days ago, there were eight social status alumni of the University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, who failed to believe in Hong Kong Chief Executive, who believed in Hong Kong, showed that Wang Peishi's management ability lost confidence.The letter pointed out that the role of the school committee is to provide strategic guidelines, but it will not directly participate in administrative affairs. If the Hong Kong government's default school committee's decision will cause the government to appoint the impression of the chairman to control the university and overhead principalEducation development and free open international image.

After many days, the Hong Kong Government has finally announced a research team on the recent internal operations of the University of Hong Kong to help solve the storm.Many people expect that the Hong Kong University's storm can calm down as soon as possible. After all, Hong Kong University belongs to all Hong Kong people, does not belong to the principal nor belongs to the chairman of the school committee, and Hong Kong University's 100 -year -old reputation must not be destroyed by this crisis.