Jiang Zemin, the eldest secretary of the late Communist Party of the Communist Party of China, has been unloaded for 10 years.

On Wednesday (June 5th), the official website of Shanghai University of Science and Technology announced a letter from the teachers and students to Shanghai University of Science and Technology.Jiang Mianheng said that the purpose of writing this letter was to inform everyone that he no longer served as the president of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, because he had completed the term of two presidents and joined the "70s" (70 "a few years ago (70" (70 "(70"Groups above the age) group.

Jiang Mianheng said in the letter that Feng Donglai has been appointed by the Shanghai Municipal Government, becoming the next principal of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and listed the background of Fengdong, including Dr. Stanford University in the United States, PhD in 2001, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Academicians in 2021.

Jiang Mianheng said that although he gave the heavy responsibility to the new principal, he was not completely relieved.He wrote: "I was appointed by superiors as the director of the new Shanghai University of Science and Technology. I did not reject the only reason for this job: I love the University of Science and Technology of Shanghai!Efforts, according to the requirements of the school constitution, continue to contribute to the development of Shanghai University of Science and Technology and persevere.headmaster.

Jiang Mianheng is 73 years old. He served as the president of Shanghai University of Science and Technology in 2014.Prior to this, he was the director of the Shanghai Metallurgical Institute, the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the dean of the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Jiang Mianheng's father and former general secretary of the Communist Party of China Jiang Zemin died in Shanghai on November 30, 2022 at the age of 96.