The incident of water quality pollution in the Luhe River not only caused a large number of fish and shrimp in the Nanjing section of the Luhe River, but also caused a large area of ​​lobster in the territory of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City, Anhui Province, bringing huge losses to farmers.Some people reported through the 12345 city of Luzhou that the staff claiming to have not participated in the problem handled the problem have become "the organizer."

The reporter found in the investigation that the people were very worried that they were toxic for sewage flowing into the Luhe River, and also looked forward to the water quality test results of the ecological environment department can give professional answers.With a series of questions, the reporter came to the Quanjiao County Ecological Environment Branch to ask and got such a reply.

Dou Ping, Director of the Ecological Environment Branch of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City: I did not see which laws and regulations required to be toxic analysis in this regard.

Reporter: So you didn't do it?

Dou Ping, Director of the Ecological Environment Branch of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City: I did not do it.

Reporter: So water enters the river, is it toxic, and do we know the environmental protection department?

Dou Ping, Director of the Ecological Environment Branch of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City: I don't think it is necessary to do the water for fire protection.

In order to accurately express his opinions, Director Dou also played a special analogy.

Director Dou Ping, Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City: You can also drink dead people when you drink Moutai.After drinking the dead, do I need to do a toxic analysis of Moutai?I don't think it is necessary.

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Stele and smoked sky, fish and shrimp died!The reporter of the main station tracking the truth of the Luhe River