At 16:22 on May 12, 2024, a dispute alert occurred at the intersection of Changrong Street, Chenghua District.After investigation and disposal of our bureau according to law, the parties Luo (female, 65 years old) and Zhang Moumou (male, 41 years old) have reached an understanding and signed a security mediation agreement.Now report on hot issues that public attention.

1. The survey of the online transmission of Luo's "son is the mayor"

Our bureau checked Luo's relevant information in accordance with the law, visited his relatives, colleagues, and asked Luo himself. It has been found that Luo is a retired doctor in a community hospital in our city.He served or employed; after asking the parties Zhang Moumou and the witness at the scene, Luo did not say "son is the mayor", "the family is an official" at the scene.

2. The survey of the online transmission of Luo "requires 10,000" and "slap the opponent's slap"

After adjusting the monitoring and asking the parties Zhang Moumou and the witness, it has been found that Luo Mou drove a car without any other people at the time of the incident.In the scene and subsequent disposal, Luo had always asked Zhang Moumou to apologize. He did not make any amount of compensation for compensation and no slap.

Three, the explanation of "Zhang Moumou was handcuffed by the police" and "Luo Mou was released" in the Internet

After the police arrived at the scene, the parties were required to go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.Because Zhang Mou was in a post -wine state, he refused to cooperate and pushed the police many times, and he insisted on leaving the scene 4 times.At 16:52, after multiple verbal summoning was invalid, the police forced Zhang Moumou to summon Zhang Moumou.Subsequently, during the police brought Luo back to the police station in accordance with the law, he was blocked by some on -site people. After repeated persuasion by the police, two people were invited to the police station to witness. At 17:35, the police brought Luo back to the police station according to law.


After Luo was taken back to the police station, his vehicle was stranded at the scene because of some people blocked.When the police persuaded the crowd at the scene, some personnel pushed the vehicles involved.In order to prevent the upgrading of the situation, the police force wasolate the vehicles involved in accordance with the law.

Five, instructions on the online transmission "Luo's vehicle is suspected of decks"

Through the traffic police department, it is verified by the traffic police department: Luo's vehicle is registered on January 6, 2022, and the information on the Internet rumor on a commercial platform is the previous model. The platform data has not been updated in real time.Essence

6. Explanation of the location of the doubt on the Internet

After investigation, Luo's models are a off -road vehicle. Luo Mou claims to have scratch places.

Seven. Report on the handling of relevant illegal personnel in accordance with the law of public security organs

After investigation, illegal actor Zhang (male, 25 years old) arrived at the scene at 18:00. Without witnessing and without verification, he released "the old lady gave a few slaps" "the old lady gave" "the old lady" and "The driver is an old man. "" Let the young man pay 10,000 "," The old lady who let go "," the old lady said that the son is the mayor "and other false statements, causing adverse effects; illegal actor Rao Moumou (male, 20 years old) is inWithout witnessing and without verification, live broadcast through online social platforms and spreading false remarks. According to the relevant provisions of Article 26 of the Public Security Management Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, the public security organs shall be punished by administrative detention in accordance with the law in accordance with the law.Essence

illegal actor Huang (male, 44 years old), Tang Moumou (female, female, female, female, 41 years old), Ma Moumou (male, male), Ma Moumou (male, 41 years old), Mo Moumou (male, 41 years old) at the disposal of public places, 23 years old), Li Moumou (male, 25 years old), the public security organs shall be punished by administrative detention in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 23 of the Public Security Management Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China.

Police reminder: For illegal acts that fabricate and spread false information and disrupt public order, the public security organs will adhere to the attitude of "zero tolerance" and resolutely investigate and deal with it according to law.The majority of netizens are requested not to make rumors, rumors, and rumors, protect personal privacy of citizens, and jointly maintain a good network environment.

(Original title of Police Continuation)