The phrase "My son is the mayor" has aroused the anger of the people of Chengdu, the capital of the provincial capital of Sichuan Province, and ignited the fuse of the conflict of police and civilians.

Around the storm of "10,000 to touch the car", the Internet and Chengdu police have two very different statements, and the credibility issues of law enforcement agencies are viewed on the table.

Two interpretations of an event

Let's talk about the widely circulated version on the Internet.

The incident happened on the afternoon of Sunday (May 12). When a migrant worker surnamed Zhang walked in Changrong Street, Chengdu, he passed by a black jeep off -road vehicle staying in a car wash.

The black jeep off-road vehicle staying in the car washing bank is "Sichuan A8Q7R7".(Internet)

Zhang Nan touched this off -road vehicle curiously. Unexpectedly, the owner of the owner Luo immediately furious, chasing Zhang Nan and asked him to pay 10,000 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 1908), and scolded the other party"It is a poor man, why do you touch my car?"

Zhang Nan was unwilling to give 10,000 yuan, so the two had disputes. Mrs. Luo also slapped Zhang Nan's two slaps and shouted "My husband is an official" and "my son is the mayor".Essence

As of now, in the eyes of others, the whole incident seems to be the child who has relying on his child to oppress migrant workers.The online video shows that many local people please Zhang Nan for justice, and they have accused the old lady of Mrs. Luo.

Incidents, many people surrounded the old lady (middle) and her jeep, accusing her of relying on her child as the mayor to oppress the weak.(Internet)

After receiving the report, the Chengdu police sent a large number of police forces to maintain order.Unexpectedly, the police first pressed Zhang Nan on the ground and took it away from the scene. The old lady who was said to leave the scene under the escort of the police.

After the Chengdu police arrived, they forcibly took Zhang Nan away from the scene.(Internet)

Police's "favorable power" move further aroused the anger of the people.Some videos showed that after the police forcibly took Zhang Nan and another man, the people at the scene shouted "letting people", and even a police officer broke out with the crowd. Some people shouted "The police are beating!"The conflict of people has erupted.

After Mrs. Luo was taken away from the scene, the protesters protested on the scene and continued to surround the jeep to prevent the police from dragging away.Until 2:00 at midnight (May 13), a large number of police officers rushed to the scene to clear the scene.Police on the Internet took a total of seven people.

After the conflict occurred, the Chengdu police surrounded the black jeep off-road vehicle involved to prevent the public from approaching.(Internet)

Once the version of the Internet spread, it soon spread widely in the circle of friends of Chengdu.However, the Chengdu police did not let the rumors continue to spread, and the next day (May 13) quickly issued a police report.

The statement given by the Chengdu police is a completely different narrative:

1. Zhang Nan was drunk when passing the black jeep off -road vehicle at more than 4 pm that day;

Second, Zhang Nan touched the off -road vehicle, causing cracks after the mud boards in the right rear of the vehicle, and the 65 -year -old lady Luo drove to Zhang Nan to ask him to apologize.However, Zhang Nan denied that the two had corners and accused each other, and then caught.The report did not say that Mrs. Luo asked for 10,000 yuan to pay, nor did it mention that Zhang Nan's two slap in the street;

After the police arrived at the scene, Zhang Nan refused to cooperate with the police investigation and insisted on leaving the scene before the police forcibly suppressed Zhang Nan and took the scene;

Fourth, the report emphasized that the old lady Luo Luo's "son is the mayor", "family members are officials", "requesting compensation for 10,000 yuan" and "being released on the scene" are not true;

The notice said that at present, Zhang and Luo have negotiated to reach an understanding and signed a public security mediation agreement. The public security organs have also rumored Zhang (male, 25 years old), Rao Mou (male, 21 years old) to administrative administration.detention.

Police report given the details of the time point and the people involved in the off -road vehicle, which looks reliable.However, many netizens still questioned the notice: First, did Mrs. Luo move Zhang Nan, and did they say that the poor could not touch my car?The second is what is the rumor of the entire incident?Is it Mrs. Luo said that her son is the mayor of Chengdu?Or did Mrs. Luo really say this, but her son is not the mayor of Chengdu?

Many netizens have called on the police to publish videos of the law enforcement process, or to announce the closed -circuit TV screen of the incident scene, so that the outside world will be clearer on the ins and outs of the entire incident.

Some netizens questioned that the whole thing was booming in Chengdu. Why did not set off many water flowers on the entire network, and there were no media reports?Instead, after the police issued a notification, many media were reproduced and followed up immediately.Is there any official hand to control public opinion?

The credibility crisis behind

The core controversy that affects the entire incident is that it is rumored that "my son is the mayor" said from the mouth of Lao Luo.

However, if you query the Chengdu Municipal People's Government Network, you can soon find that whether it is Chengdu Mayor Wang Fengchao or six other deputy mayor, they are aged 53 to 59 years old.The child of the 65 -year -old lady.

What's more, inquiring the video of the network, there is no direct evidence that this sentence is said from Mrs. Luo.

These facts are easy to check. However, the reality is that various rumors on the Internet not only quickly spread in the people, but also caused huge public opinion and police and civilians.

On the one hand, this may indicate that the local people's media literacy is insufficient, and it is easy to flutter with the wind, and easily point their fingers to the innocent people.But the deeper contradictions behind it are probably a manifestation of the lack of confidence in law enforcement agencies.

In fact, around social events, there are often many rumors on the Internet, and rumors that provoking the contradictions between officials and people are often the easiest to spread.

In October 2010, when Li Qiming (also known as Li Yifan) drove his girlfriend in the first male student of the new district supermarket in Hebei University, he flew two female students because of the speedy driving after drinking, and one of them was injured.

Some media reports said that after the accident, Li Qiming not only had no regrets, but also said madly: "If you have the ability, you will go, my dad is Li Gang, you will not win!" This Li Gang was at that time in Baoding City, Hebei.Deputy Director of the North City Branch of the Public Security Bureau.

This incident caused huge public anger. For Li Qiming's crusade, Li Gang was also transferred away from Baoding City and was ridiculed by the netizen as one of the "four major pit father" deeds.

But after the investigation by the Hebei Legal Daily, a statement was that Li Qiming took alcohol after the incident, and told the police of the Public Security Branch of the Beishi District Public Security Branch of Baoding City. His father was Li Gang. His attitude was not mad.He also said that he was willing to be responsible, don't tell his dad.

In addition, Sanlian News Weekly returned to the scene of the incident on the scene of "my dad is Li Gang", trying to restore the context of Li Qiming's words, but "I want to restore these words"Big difficulty".I visited the targets of Hebei University at the time, but no one could be or willing to restore these words.

According to the reports of Guangzhou Daily in March 2011, after various rumors caused by "My Dad is Li Gang", the Baoding Public Security Bureau has held a press conference to introduce the progress of the case four times, but their voice is completely full of their voice.Various media overwhelmed and scolded.

"My Dad is Li Gang" which version is closer to the truth, and now no one cares, but this sentence has already been implanted in the minds of netizens, becoming a buzzword of their ridicule of the "second generation of officials".

Li Qiming apologized for the death of a female student in an interview with CCTV in 2010.(Internet)

Whether it is "my dad is Li Gang", or "my son is the mayor", the quotes that are regarded as a special right to play are admitted by the majority of people because it fundamentally aroused the incorrect relationship between the power between the officials and the peopleThe opposite emotions, and these words are just in line with the people's imagination of this incompatible relationship in the hearts of the people, and they can always stimulate the storms again and again.

Chinese officials are committed to creating a clear network environment, the goal is to prevent all rumors that harm social order.But as long as the officials of officials relying on the power of power, the unscrupulousness between the officials and the civilians is not resolved, this kind of rumors may not be clear.Because the people have already set up such presets, they would rather believe in rumors, and they did not want to believe in the official report.