For the 57 -year -old Wuxi rich man Wang Yingyan, she may have to set a A -share record -for ten years of fraud, and its company is about to delist.

On May 8th, GEM stock*ST Meishan has gone on the last trading day of A shares, and the closing price is set at 0.13 yuan.

Among the more than 5,000 stocks of the Shanghai and Shenzhen cities, it is the lowest in the stock price.

Because the stock price of 20 consecutive trading days was lower than 1 yuan,*ST Meishan was terminated, and it was difficult to escape the fate of the retirement.In order to rescue themselves, the company has recently applied to the exchange many times, hoping to withdraw warnings, but was rejected.On the other hand, it pretended to be deaf and dumbfounded, and he had no response to the multiple attention issued by the exchange and did not reply.It's a mysterious operation.

Before wearing a hat,*ST Meishang was originally called Meishang Ecology.Founded in 2001, this company is the main business of ecological restoration and garden landscape construction. It was listed at the end of 2015.At that time, it was the first A -share listed company in East China.

This company's surprising one is not only from the fall of 100 yuan in the past to the present, but also a more serious situation -financial fraud.It was found that in the nearly ten years from 2012 to 2020, the prospectus, regular financial reports, public debt issuance, and fixed increases were fake.A systematic counterfeit project has been hidden for ten years.

Reaching such "proud achievements" is Wang Yingyan, the owner of Meishang Ecology.

Wang Yingyan was born in 1967. There are not many public information. It is reported that she is a weaving major with an EMBA degree in Fudan University.In addition, she has also won the title of "Outstanding Entrepreneurs in Wuxi" and "Outstanding Entrepreneurs in China Garden Greening Industry".When Meishang's ecology was listed in 2015, Wang Yingyan held more than 48%of the shares. After 2019, he reduced its holdings sharply. As of the first quarter of this year, there were about 17%left.

From the financial report at the time, Meishang Ecology has been profitable after listing, until the net loss in 2020 was more than 94 million.In the 2020 financial report, the audit institutions could not express their opinions.From 2020 to 2023, it was a loss all the way, with a total net loss of about 2.3 billion.

Afterwards, the "good" performance after Meishang Ecology has just been launched was carefully decorated.

The following year in Meishang Ecology, it spent 1.5 billion acquired a peer called Chongqing Golden Garden.The Golden Point Garden has been sprinting since 2012, but because the IPO queues at the time, they agreed to commit to the Meishang ecology when they were impatient.In the garden industry, the long -term period is a characteristic. The cash flow of the golden garden is not good. In addition, investors are probably eager to withdraw, which has contributed to this transaction.

The price given by Meishang Ecology is very high, which is almost twice the acquisition of the premium. At the same time, the Golden Point Garden has also made a performance commitment-in 2016-2018, the cumulative deduction of non-net profit will not be less than 528 million.The acquisition greatly thicken the performance of Meishang Ecology, and also made the original stockholders of the Golden Point Garden successfully cash away. However, as the gambling expired in 2019, the performance of Meishang Ecology immediately plummeted, revealing a mess.

After being questioned by the auditing agency in 2020, a more strange scene occurred in 2021.In April, June, August, and November of this year, under the pressure of the exchanges, Meishang Ecology issued an announcement four consecutive times in a row, saying that the financial report had an accounting error, and the five fiscal years of 2016-2020 needed.Adjust financial data.As a result, the net profit in recent years has been significantly reduced.

I have seen the financial report data from the listed company, but I have never seen four consecutive announcements a year.Coincidentally, in February 2021 before the Thunder, Wang Yingyan once thought about drawing and was ready to transfer the shares in Changsha with her husband to Changsha state assets.The two sides signed the relevant agreement for a time, but because the Meishang ecology was stared at, the transaction was finally blown.

By the end of 2021, Meishang Ecology and Wang Yingyan were investigated by the CSRC.

According to the identification of the exchange, there are roughly several means for Meishang's ecological virtual increasing profits, such as confirming the recovery of accounts receivable in advance, the interest income of virtual banks, not adjusting the project income according to the approval amount, and the revenue of the company's company's company's revenuewait.In addition to applying powder to the company's financial report, Wang Yingyan was found to manipulate the stock price.

From June 2018 to July 2020, Wang Yingyan joined for a private equity fund to manipulate Meishang Ecological stocks through 113 securities accounts, with a transaction value of nearly 80 billion yuan.However, after the operation, the commission and taxes were deducted, and a total of more than two billion yuan was lost.

I did not make money to mess with it.

In this Meishang ecological fraud, it is necessary to mention its "intimate partner" -Gangfa Securities.

Everyone should still remember the case of Kangmei Pharmaceutical's fake case that had been sensational. The case was incident in 2020, and financial fraud was as high as 30 billion.Similar ecology of monk and beauty, Kangmei Pharmaceutical also has a huge number of operating income for a long time.Its sponsors are Guangfa Securities.

Guangfa Securities served as a sponsor when Kangmei Pharmaceutical was listed in 2001, and then provided intermediary services for the company's many financing. Even after Kangmei Pharmaceutical was exposed, it still provided help issuance corporate debt.Because of the Kangmei case, Guangfa Securities was later eligible for the suspension of the sponsor for 6 months, and its bond underwriting business was also suspended.This caused the vitality of Guangfa Securities' investment banking business, and quickly lost behind in the industry. It has not been recovered so far.

Unexpectedly, the shadow of the Kangmei case was still there, and Meishang Ecology was incident again.

From the IPO of the Meishang Ecology to the acquisition of Golden Point Gardens, and to the fixed increase trading after listing, Guangfa Securities is deeply bound.Not only that, on the eve of the performance of the performance, Wang Yingyan also pledged the stock with stocks to Guangfa Securities for financing.Such a close cooperation later collapsed. Due to the overdue pledge, Guangfa Securities brought Meishang Ecology to court in 2022.Guangfa Securities finally lost this customer, and the delisting Meishang ecology should no longer need the other party to provide services.

Wang Yingyan used to have highlights, with both hundreds of millions of netizens, and was also selected as the best female CEO list for the Forbes Chinese listed company in 2018.However, at present, she is full of lawsuits and has become the executor of the dishonesty.Waiting for her, there are countless shareholders who seek claims.

Author: Guo Ruyi

Source: business figures (ID: biz-levelers)