On Thursday, a Chinese entertainment tycoon agreed to give up the green card and leave the United States in the federal court.He admitted to providing three candidates with more than $ 10,000 illegal political campaign donations.

Since his arrest in October last year, 55 -year -old Qin Hui has been locked in Brooklyn's prison.According to two people familiar with the matter, one of the targets of his donation was the mayor Eric Adams, but the prosecutor said that all the campaign teams did not know that these donations were illegal.

In March of this year, Qin Hui acknowledged the allegations of providing campaign donations, immigration fraud, and falsification of identity documents in the name of others.On Thursday, he was sentenced to 7 months of imprisonment and had been included in his sentence.

On Thursday, in the court of Long Island, Qin Hui shed tears. His lawyer Henry Matrok told Judge Joe Joho Azlak that his client was a "businessman who started in vain", his 3000A number of chain theaters destroyed by the blockade of new crown viruses.Matrok said that his company was closed, he was sued, and his wife Liu Duo left him.

Matrok said that Qin Hui participated in the straw donation plan to reconcile Liu Du, because Liu Duo was very active in politics.He argued that his parties served their prison at Brooklyn's infamous metropolis detention center and had paid the price for his mistakes.

Qin Hui made a brief speech to the judge through Chinese translation. He apologized for his behavior with tears and said that he was worried that he could not see the three children living in the United States.

Judge Azlak agreed to the prosecution's suggestion to release it after the sentence expired, and Qin Hui was arranged to fly to an unprepared country after a few hours.After he put forward security considerations, he requested him, and which country he went to keep secret.He asked not to be sent to China, and he owed $ 450 million in debt in China in China.

The federal prosecutor said in the court document that the relevant campaign team did not know that Qin Hui's straw donation plan implemented in 2021 and 2022. In this plan, Qin Hui asked others to donate and agreed to repay them afterwards.Essence

According to two people familiar with the matter, the other two candidates are the long island members Andrew Gabarino and the former mayor of Kliang Weijie, the former mayor of Rhode Island, who have been campaigned by Congress.They are all Republicans and Adams are Democrats.Neither of them immediately responded to the reporter's comment phone.

Adams acknowledged that he had seen Qin Hui during his campaign in 2021, but said he had nothing to do with the donation plan.The news media The City reported that Qin Hui's ex -wife Liu Duo was a member of the Asian Affairs Consultant Committee of Adams.Liu Duo and Qin Hui, who used to be models, donated $ 4,000 for the mayor in 2021 in his name.The reporter contacted Liu Duo by phone, and she refused to comment.

Basene Pis, a federal prosecutor in the East District of New York, said in a statement that Qin Hui "in a painful way to have an American citizen's school, and he understood that no one could override the law."

Qin Hui was in charge of a commercial empire in China, including a nightclub in Beijing and a movie and entertainment company. He was included in the Forbes billionaire list in 2018.His lawyer said he was a philanthropist who had donated to schools in China and New York.His wife and children have lived in New York since 2010.He got a green card in 2019.

But shortly after that, his fate changed.In the court documents, his lawyer suddenly closed his company to blame China's new crown virus in the new crown virus, and said that it caused "unpleasant divorce."

In 2021, a Chinese arbitral tribunal ordered Qin Hui to pay $ 450 million to his former business partner.The Federal Court of Manhattan is trying to recover a debt lawsuit.In the ruling on Wednesday evening, the judge Catherine Polk Fara, the judge of the case, rejected the plaintiff's request to confiscate Qin Hui's passport to prevent him from leaving the United States.The plaintiff's lawyer argued that if Qin Hui was allowed to leave the United States, he would never be responsible for his debt.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hui applied for bankruptcy before the civil litigation hearing on Wednesday.Earlier, he was sentenced to contempt for court for violating the court order in the case, including concealing huge assets.

In a document, the lawyer of investors said that Qin Hui's "contempt will be rewarded, he will be released to another country, and live a luxurious life with the assets he concealed to the court."