Former anchors Tucker Carlson and Putin interviewed for more than two hours.

Russian President Putin has rarely accepted an exclusive interview with American media. It is the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine. The topics talked about the end of the war, the cases of NATO, the imprisonment of American journalists, and his personal relationship with Trump.

The former anchor Tucker Carlson and Putin, the former anchor Tucker Carlson and Putin, were more than two hours long.Previously, it was broadcast, and the click rate exceeded 85 million.

What did Putin get this interview?

What did Putin say?

Putin told the history of Russia in detail.

The full two -hour interviews fully meet the expectations.Chatham House, Russia and Eurasian experts, Kieir Giles, the London Think Tank Institute.

This platform allowed Putin to make a long story to the world. It is based on his crazy distortion of the past history of Russia and its neighbors to explain the world.He said.The first half of the interview was like a historical lesson, Putin was almost endless.

Karson asked Putin at the beginning whether he was worried that the United States would invade Ukraine through NATO's attack. Putin replied: Will the United States not start a raid against Russia ... Are we doing a talk show or a serious dialogue?

Regarding NATO's eastward expansion to Russia's areas that are considered to be its sphere of influence, Putin, as always, expressed dissatisfaction and said that we never agreed to Ukraine to join NATO.He also called Moscow's fighting in the east of Donbas as a civil war and expressed his hope to see Ukraine for Nazi. He said it was still ongoing work.Kiev has always strongly refuted Russia's statement on Nazis.

When asked about the possibility of the armistice, Putin said that if you really want to stop fighting, you must stop supplying weapons. He refers to the West's assistance to Kiev.Within a few weeks (war) will end.that's all.He added.

Putin also mentioned that American journalist Evan Middot; Evan Grykovich, who worked in Russia last year, was accused of being engaged in spy activities and was detained.Putin said that if our partners take equal measures, I believe it can reach an agreement to release him.

Putin strongly hinted that he wanted to exchange prisoners.He mentioned a Russian Patriot who destroyed thugs in a capital of Europe, which seemed to confirm the previous report that Russia requested the release of Vadim Krasikov mdash mdash; mdash; he was accused ofIt is a Russian agent. In 2019, he shot a Chechen separatist in a park in Berlin and is currently in prison in Germany.

When asked when the last time I talked with the US President Biden, Putin said that I didn't remember when I talked to him, and pointed out that the last call of the two was before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Karson did not mention the name of the former US President Trump, but Putin said that I had a good personal relationship with Trump and said he also liked George W Bush.

Why does Putin accept an exclusive interview with Karson?

Carlson was the anchor of the Fox News Golden Times show, and his influence was huge.

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Putin agreed to accept an interview with American journalist Karson because his approach was different from Western mainstream media reports on Ukraine conflicts.

But historian and journalist Anne Applebaum had other opinions. She wrote on the Atlantic that when Karson spoke on behalf of Putin, he would replay in Hungary and Russia.To resonate there, she said that it was like saying: Look, the famous American journalist supports Putin.

Russian expert Gils agreed with this, and he said that Calson provided Putin with a few hours of open platforms, including unheard of false information and delusion.

He said: The only surprising thing is that even if Karson tried to help Putin, it was a bad interviewer.

Calrson, 54, is a loyal supporter of former US President Trump, and is expected to become the Republican nomination in the 2024 US presidential election.

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the former Fox news host has bluntly defended Putin, and has repeatedly called Ukraine President as a dictator.Although Karson said that he also sat down to interview and interviewed Putin because Americans had the right to understand everything they were involved in the war.

Before Karlson was fired by Fox News last year, he was an anchor of the Political Talk show during the golden period. He set up issues for conservatives and Republican Party and had a huge influence.

Siny, a scholar who studied false information, Yutam Middot; Yotam Ophir analyzed BBC that Karson passed the populist information.And they often include immigrants, black life supremacy members, Democrats and LGBTQ+groups.

They are here to destroy you ... The country you love is changing in front of you.Only we are willing to tell the truth and fight for people's values.

Karson also preached conspiracy theory that the U.S. government had secretly held an alien spacecraft in the past.He invited many famous right -wing politicians on his personal website and Channel X, such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor ORBAACUTE; N), and the new President of Argentine Harvil (Javier Milei)Wait, of course, Trump himself.

Carson said before the start of the new show, his idea of ​​modern journalism: At the most basic level, the news you see is lies.The most hidden and sinister lie.Facts, proportions, and angles are deliberately concealed.You are being manipulated.

But BBC Eastern European Affairs reporter Sarah Rainsford said that Putin completely controlled the interview, and Karson seemed to talk about Putin's words instead of questioning Putin, who was accused of being a war criminal suspect.

Does Putin try to influence the United States?

Image source, EPA

The United States will vote for the next president on November 5th

It is usually difficult to determine whether the propaganda staff of the Kremlin is a conscious influential agent, and Kils of the Chatham Institute said.But he believes that in the case of Karson's case, he used to use opportunities to attack and destroy the US and its democratic system.

The United States will vote for the next president on November 5.Although there is no conclusion, it seems that this will be the contest between Biden and Trump. Trump is the leader of the Republican nominated, and Biden is most likely to be nominated by the Democratic Party.

Karson is famous in the United States and has more than 12 million followers in X.He also has a large number of followers in Republicans, and his former Fox News show attracted 5 million viewers during its peak.

Gils said: Karson will look for interviewees who are responsible for the media that will not be exposed. These interviewees will preach a series of absurd anti -vaccine, anti -Bynden or anti -Western false information.

This time Putin's one -on -one interview with Western media is the first time since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, attracting tens of millions of people to watch.

This is also a major news in Russia, because Russian reporters are strictly restricted under Putin's rule, and Ukraine conflicts cannot be described as war.

The Russian media's headline news report on Karson was like the Soviet period reported to VIPs.Even though this interview will not directly affect the US presidential election, it will definitely attract people's attention.

Putin's private relationship with Trump

If Trump is elected, he can use his administrative power to reduce or even stop assisting Ukraine.

I have a personal relationship with Trump. Putin said in an exclusive interview that he personally likes Bush.

It has been reported in recent months that the Kremlin has issued information, and Putin is ready to negotiate with Ukraine. The timing of this interview seems just right.

Russian expert Gils said: In this interview, the interests of Putin and Karson coincided.They are talking about similar things to similar audiences.Putin needs Calson's audience in the United States, and also needs to shake their views. I hope they will believe this argument: the United States can end Ukraine's war.

But Gils said it was fake news.

When Putin talked about the negotiations that are on the market, and the option to end the war at the negotiating table, this is actually not feasible.Putin asked the United States to stop funding Ukraine. He said that this would end the war within a few weeks, but the ending was that Ukraine was completely destroyed, Russia became stronger, and then Russia looked for the next goal.

It is generally believed that Trump has become the interests of the next US president in compliance with Putin.

Although the U.S. Congress has approved the provision of over 10 billion US dollars to Ukraine, if Trump was elected, he could use his administrative power to reduce or even stop related assistance. He had done this before the president.

Some Republicans quickly condemned their ideas, but if Trump was elected in November 2024, the US support for the Ukrainian war may be completely terminated.

Gils said that the interview was only one of the means to weaken the willingness of the United States and its allies to support Ukraine and believe that everyone participating in it benefited, but they benefited by harming the interests of the United States and Western countries.