The former president of the People's Bank of China Yi Gang believes that China is not lacking funds but capital. It is necessary to put the increase in social capital investment and financing in an important position and "do everything possible to increase the capital investment of the whole society."Essence

According to the National Committee of the CPPCC, on Thursday (February 1), the investigation team of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference investigated in Guangdong, and Yi Gang, who is also the deputy director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, participated throughout the process.

Yi Gang said that the research and development of risk prevention and lifelong accountability, bank lending behavior is becoming increasingly cautious. Therefore, it is necessary to guide banks to strengthen the real economy, especially scientific and technological innovation, green development, and small and micro enterprisesWaiting for key areas.He believes that good economy is the foundation of financial stability, and must deal with the relationship between supporting economic growth and preventing financial risks.

Yi Gang said that in recent years, the cost of financing costs, especially loan costs, has declined significantly. The interest rate of new inclusive micro loans is close to the lowest level of history, which is a good trend.However, at the same time, commercial banks also reflect that the narrowing spread has led to a rapid decline in profits. It is recommended that while increasing financial support for the real economy, it is also necessary to promote the sustainable development of the financial industry itself.

Yi Gang said that "what is lacking in China is currently lacking capital, it is necessary to fully recognize the importance of direct financing at this stage."He advocates that it is currently necessary to increase the investment and financing of social capital in the important position, deal with the relationship between the first -level market and the secondary market, and promote long -term funds such as insurance funds, pensions, and corporate annuities to enter the market.The financing channels and exit channels of PE/VC (private equity investment/venture capital), in short, will do everything possible to increase capital investment in the whole society.

Yi Gang also said that in accordance with the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, it is necessary to steadily expand the institutional type of the financial sector, attract more foreign institutions to come to China to exhibit industry, and actively participate in the formulation of international financial governance and international financial rules.And put forward Chinese plans in relevant international cooperation, while ensuring national financial and economic security.