The dispute between the leaders of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan continued, and Fu Kunzheng, a candidate for the Kuomintang legislators, expressed the hope that the people's party would not forget their original intention and support the leading legislators of the Kuomintang Legislative Corporation of the Legislative Yuan Legislative Council.

Comprehensive Taiwan Central News Agency and the China Times reported that Fu Kunzheng made the above statements in an interview with Zhongguang Millennium Wanqiu Program on Friday (January 26).

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will hold the election of Zheng and Vice Dean on February 1. The Kuomintang has determined that the former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Yu and the former party chairman Jiang Qichen for the election, but the Blue and Green Party in the Legislative Yuan were bothWithout half of the advantage, the people who hold eight seats have become a key minority.

At present, the people's party has not yet expressed support.The party chairman Ke Wenzhe has invited the Kuomintang and the DPP to intend to run for the Legislative Yuan and Deputy President of the Legislative Yuan to communicate directly with the eight legislators of the People's Party.

Fu Kunzheng judged on the show that the people's party should not have played so early, but he called on the people's party to forget the original intention and let the Legislative Yuan normally and improved that Taiwan would be strong.

Fu Kunzheng had intended to compete for the leader of the Legislative Yuan, but he later decided to make concessions and announced on Thursday that he was served as the general call of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party and the party legislator Lai Shizheng.