He Xingxiang, the former vice president of the National Development Bank of China, was suspected of accepting bribery, issuing financial tickets illegally, loans illegal issuance, and concealing overseas deposits.Yuan) fine.

According to China CCTV news report, the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced He Xingxiang to bribery on Friday (January 26), issued financial tickets illegally, issued loans illegally, and concealed overseas deposits.

He Xingxiang was accused of using the president of the Hainan Branch of the Bank of China from 2006 to 2021, the presidentThe convenience and conditions for the formation of power or status to form by the acts of employees in other countries will be used to help relevant units and individuals in terms of bank credit and children's employment.It is equivalent to more than 66.36 million yuan.

From 2012 to 2014, while He Xingxiang served as the president of the Bank of China Shandong Branch, He Xingxiang did not implement a unified credit management management in accordance with the group customers and dotted trade financing as him.In the case of insufficient value, illegal instructions for banks to handle trade and financing credit.According to the above credit, the banks of the Bank of China have handled more than 6.349 billion yuan and more than 104 million US dollars (about S $ 139 million) for credit documents and prepaid guarantees.As of the incident, the above -mentioned trade financing business caused a bank principal loss of more than 1.461 billion yuan.

In addition, while serving as the president of the Shandong Branch of the Bank of China in September 2014, He Xingxiang decided to adjust the relevant corporate trade and financing credit quota to short -term mobile fund loans.A total of more than 1.746 billion yuan.From 2012 to 2013, in the case of the applicant's loan in the name of others and misappropriation of loan funds, He Xingxiang instructed the bank staff to handle more than 77.43 million yuan in loans, resulting in a bank principal loss of more than 9.62 million yuan.

He Xingxiang is also stated that during the period from 2015 to 2021, he was the deputy governor of China Agricultural Development Bank and the Deputy Governor of the State Development Bank.The deposit of more than 33.69 million yuan in the bank account.

The court believes that He Xingxiang's behavior has constituted a crime of bribery, the crime of issuing financial tickets in violation of regulations, crimes of loan in illegally issuing loans, and concealing overseas deposits.

The court also said that, in view of the attempted crimes of He Xingxiang's bribery, the fact that he took the initiative to explain the fact that most of the bribery crimes that the case handling agency had not mastered, and truthfully described his bribery, issued financial tickets, issued loans illegally, loans illegally, and illegally issued loans, loans, and loans, and loans illegally.Conceal all the crimes of overseas deposits, confess and regret, actively refund all stolen money, and give it a light punishment.

Public information shows that He Xingxiang is 61 years old.The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported in September 2021 that He Xingxiang was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted discipline review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In January 2022, He Xingxiang was expelled from the Communist Party of China and public office.

Xinhua News Agency reported in May 2022 that the procuratorial organs filed a public prosecution on He Xingxiang's suspicion of bribery, issuing financial tickets, illegal issuance of loans, and concealing overseas deposits.