A boy under the age of 12, Gong'an, Jingzhou, Hubei, has made new progress.On January 25, the girl's father sent a decision provided by the police to the police reporter. It shows that because the boy was less than 12 years old and had no criminal liability when he committed the crime, the case was revoked according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law.The staff of the Public Security Bureau of the Public Security County told Nandu reporters that boys are accepting psychological corrections in professional institutions.Some lawyers believe that the correction plan of the case can be determined by multiple hearing.

Monitoring screen when the incident released by the girl's father.

Boys who are under 12 years old and have no criminal responsibility

The withdrawal of the withdrawal of the Public Security Bureau of Hubei Public Security County shows that on August 30, 2023, the bureau's case of the town was killed.Article 16 stipulates that the case is decided.The document settling time is December 30, 2023.

On January 25, a reporter from Nandu learned from the staff of the Public Security County Public Security Bureau that the withdrawal of the case decided to be real.The staff also said that Li Moumou is currently undergoing psychological correction in professional institutions. Since then, Li Moumou "cannot return to school to see the recovery of the correction institution."

Nandu previously reported that the girl's father had issued a post that on August 30, 2023, "the boy who accidentally coaxed my daughter to take her to a fun place, holding hands directly to the family address of about 3-400"A garden that abandoned weeds on the left and right", and then the boy pushed his daughter into the dung tank and died.

The girl's father said that the boy was "just because my daughter and his sister had noise because of the noise of the toy, and took the police back to the scene to identify, and the demonstration was carried out on the spot."

On November 7, the staff of the Douhu Di Police Station of the Public Security County Public Security Bureau told Nandu reporters that the case was dealing with it.The staff of the Procuratorate of the Public Security County revealed that the family members of the girl had come to the procuratorate to ask the situation, but "the case has not yet been transferred."

Girls' father said that they and the boy's family were neighbors, and boys and sisters were similar to those of the victims.

For the withdrawal of the case, the girl's father said, "I personally want to advance back, it is best to go to the Supreme People's Procuratorate. If the final result is also withdrawn, then I feel a little better."The girl's father said it was dealing with it.

Lawyers believe that minor crime correction can be hearings

Nandu reporters learned that in the Criminal Law Amendment (11) implemented by my country in March 2021, the starting point of the criminal responsibility age was reduced from 14 years old to 12 years.

In response to this case, Zhang Haisu, a lawyer of Beijing Guanheng Law Firm, said that "Criminal Law currently punish the punishment stipulated in this situation to order their parents or guardians to discipline.The development of connection work and correction education is not satisfactory.

Zhang Haisu believes that since the criminal law has considered these minors to consider the factors of light and width in criminal legislation. When correction, we should consider strictness and strictness.According to the degree of punishment, increase the punishment of this correction, and it can also make minors who are under criminal responsibility age awe of the law, and at the same time, the trauma that the victim's family has suffered.

Zhang Haisu suggested that the special correction education plan of the case can be determined by multiple hearing."The demands and ideas of the victim's family should also be used as an important opinion of hearing. After fully listening to the opinions of the victim's family members, we should formulate stricter correction solutions based on comprehensive factors such as criminal circumstances and performance afterwards."

For boys' parents, Zhang Haisu told Nandu reporters that the parents of the boy were liable for civil compensation. As guardians, they were the subject of civil compensation.

Caiwan: Nandu reporter Zhou Minxuan

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