On January 26, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released news: Dai Daojin, the former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was reviewed and investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Dai Daojin has been working in Hunan Province for a long time before falling in the horse. He used to be the mayor of Luzhou City, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary -General of the Hunan Provincial People's Government, Director of the General Office, and Deputy Governor of Hunan Province.Counting on Dai Daojin, there are 4 former municipal party secretaries in Luzhou.

Prior to this, Li Dalun's corruption case has aroused widespread attention from public opinion.In 1999, Li Dalun served as Secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee. In May 2006, he was investigated and dealt with by the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. On November 20, 2008, Li Dalun was sentenced to death in the first instance and implemented two years of slow period.

It is understood that since 1999 to 2006, Li Dalun has served as the secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee for 7 years. He has used his posts and has received a bribe dozens of times, with an amount of more than 14 million yuan.He has been cultivating in the officialdom of Luzhou for many years. Many officials have been affected by it and have fallen into corruption quagmire.The Hunan Daily once sighed: "A municipal -level leadership team has such a large area of ​​corruption cases, including 6 municipal leaders, including the secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, and more than 100 cadres were investigated. People were investigated. People were investigated. People were investigated.After you are shocked, you must not think deeply. "

However, Li Dalun's corruption case did not make Chenzhou officials feel painful. After him, many secretary secretaries of the Luzhou Municipal Party Committee were successively investigated.

Dai Daojin, who was notified today, has been the Standing Committee of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee since 2000. In 2002, he served as the executive deputy mayor of Chenzhou City. In March 2004, he was elected as the mayor of Luzhou City.When Da Daojin was the mayor of Luzhou City, Li Dalun was one of the secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee who "partnered" with him.

Although Li Dalun's case involved a large number of corrupt officials at that time, Dai Dajin's career was not affected. After leaving Luzhou, he was promoted all the way.Long, the vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, etc., was investigated until this.

After Dai Daojin, the secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee was Xiangli.

Xiang Lili has a lot of similarities with Dai Daojin's political trajectory.Before serving as the Secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, he also worked as the mayor of Chenzhou.After leaving Luzhou, he also served as the secretary -general and member of the party group of the Hunan Provincial People's Government, the party group of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government, and the deputy governor of Hunan Province.

Xiang Lili's career was ended in May 2019. He was investigated and dealt with by the State Administration of Discipline Inspection at the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress.Xiangli's corruption problem has been found.After investigation, he has been corrupt since 2001. He has used to serve as the deputy mayor of the People's Government of Changsha City, Hunan Province and the chairman of Changsha Commercial Bank, the Standing Committee of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deputy Mayor of the Changsha Municipal People's Government, and the Municipal People's Government of Luzhou City, Hunan ProvinceHe is the convenience of the post of Secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress. It helps relevant units and individuals in terms of land development, project promotion, corporate restructuring, and engineering contracting.From 2003 to 2019, Xiang Lili passed more than 66.67 million yuan in the property given by other units and individuals through others illegally.

After Xiang Lili, Yi Pengfei followed the secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee.

However, Yi Pengfei did not learn from his predecessors.After the integrity of the Magazine Magazine, after Yi Pengfei took the stick to the Secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, people found that the official official atmosphere has not changed.Relatives.After Yi Pengfei arrived in Chenzhou, many relatives and specific relations people successively arrived with the brand of business -oriented enterprises, and even set the "sphere of power" between each other.

Yi Pengfei's corruption problem was also exposed later.The disciplinary inspection department once pointed out: Yi Pengfei lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from the political principles of "two maintenance", violated the party's purpose, and fulfilled the poor responsibility of the party's main body; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepted gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, and received banquets.; Violation of the organizational principles of the tissue, letting people have a profit, and selling officials; they are not right, bring the whole family, indulge and acquire relatives to use their powers to influence their private interests, engage in "family -style" corruption, and have non -listed companies shares in violation of regulations; illegal intervention and intervention and violationInsert market economy activities; greedy enjoyment, played funerals, addicted to playing cards, playing mahjong; greedy, willful use of rights, great power trading, and use job convenience to benefit others in business operations, engineering contracting; Abuse of power caused major public property losses.

After investigation, from 2003 to 2022, Yi Pengfei used the convenience of the deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Development Planning Committee, the mayor of Huaihua City, the mayor of Loudi City, Secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, and vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Political Consultative ConferenceAnd the convenient conditions for authority or status to help relevant units and individuals provide help in matters such as project contracting, corporate operations, and fund applications.From 2005 to 2023, Yi Pengfei directly or via other people's illegal acceptance of more than RMB 81.4 million.In addition, its unauthorized decision to repay the land transfer fee illegally, which also caused a total of more than 448 million yuan in public property losses.

It is worth noting that, in addition to being investigated by Li Dalun on the office of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, the other three of them left Luzhou after many years.However, from the information that has now been officially announced, when Li Li and Yi Pengfei became the secretary of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, there were already serious corruption problems.Dai Daojin, Xiang Lili, and Yi Pengfei have been officially reached to the provincial ministerial level when they were investigated, and eventually became "Hunan Tiger".

Source of data: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Hunan Daily, Clean Government Watching, etc.

Compilation/Huang Shuai

Edit/Ren Guanqing

Source: China Youth Daily Client