Cover Journalist Luo Weiwei Li Maojia

On the evening of January 25, some media bloggers posted on social platforms that "the parties to the Chongqing indecent video case in 2012, Lei Zhengfu, the former secretary of the Beibei District Party Committee of Chongqing City, has been in prison.prison".In response to this news, on the afternoon of January 26, the cover news was confirmed from the Chongqing Municipal Prison Administration that Lei Zhengfu had been released from prison after the final sentence was performed because of the reduction.

Lei Zhengfu tried.Data Picture

Prison Management Department: Lei Zhengfu is released to be released according to law

The staff of the Chongqing Municipal Prison Administration told the cover that Lei Zhengfu, the former secretary of the former district committee of the Beibei District of Chongqing, was released from prison.

After sorting out publicly reports on the media, the cover news Lei Zhengfu obtained two sentences in 2015 and 2018, respectively for a total of 19 months.Earlier, the media reported that Lei Zhengfu's detention period was deadlocked by January 31, 2026. If it is calculated at 19 months of commutation, Lei Zhengfu's release time should be at the end of June 2024.

For Lei Zhengfu's current release of prison, the staff of the Chongqing Prison Administration did not give more explanations, but just said that "We followed the legal compliance procedures and released the criminal full release.The reduction is all in accordance with the law, and the other specific situation is not very clear. "

I was photographed with friends after being released from prison

The posts from the media blogger on the evening of the 25th are attached with photos of Lei Zhengfu and friends gathering.In one of the close -up photos, Lei Zhengfu was relaxed, slightly smiling, and talked with friends.Another panoramic photo can be seen that there are about 10 people at the party. The lower left corner of the photo shows that the shooting time is at 12 noon on January 25, 2024.

Lei Zhengfu and friends gathering pictures circulating on the Internet.Some screenshots

Cover news learned from the person who is familiar with the matter that the photo is indeed taken after the release of Lei Zhengfu. The place of the party is not in Chongqing. In Somewhere in Hainan, the people participating in the party have worked in Beiyi District, Chongqing.Lei Zheng was rich from March 2007 to November 2012. He served as the head of the district and secretary in Beixun District.

On November 23, 2012, because of the "indecent video" circulating on the Internet, Lei Zhengfu was removed from the post of secretary of the Beibei District Party Committee by the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee.In June 2013, the Chongqing First Intermediate People's Court was sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribery, deprived of political rights for 3 years, and confiscated 300,000 yuan in personal property.Go to the treasury.Lei refused to appeal. In September 2013, the Chongqing Senior People's Court made a final judgment on the case to maintain the first trial judgment.