Yang Moufang, a man in Pakistan, Sichuan, was sent to Guangyuan Prison to serve his sentence in 1978.In 1980, Yang Moufang escaped from prison, and there was no news from then on, as if the world evaporated.

On January 24 this year, the police of Guangyuan, Sichuan, released the news. Recently, the police captured Yang Moufang in Yili, Xinjiang. Now he is 68 years old and has been "bleached" to marry and have children.At present, Yang Moufang has been transferred to Guangyuan Prison.

▲ Police capture Yang Moufang

According to the Guangyuan Lizhou police, escape the criminal Yang Moufang, male, Han nationality, 68 years old, native of Tongjiang County, Bazhong City.The offender was sent to Guangyuan Prison to serve the transformation in June 1978 for revenge on revenge, and escaped from prison in May 1980.Since then, he seems to have evaporation and audio.Due to the environmental conditions and technical restrictions at the time, Guangyuan Prison has failed to hunt many times.In December 2023, Guangyuan Prison sent a letter of inspection to the Lizhou Public Security Bureau to ask for assistance to the hunting criminal Yang Moufang.

The Lizhou Public Security Branch immediately organized the escape working group to work.After research and analysis, a man named Liu in Qingshuihe Town, Huocheng County, Yili, Xinjiang entered the police's sight. Combined with the relevant information provided by Guangyuan Prison, the police informed that the man was likely to be the criminal Yang Moufang after the "bleach".After getting in touch with the local public security organs, the police group police immediately set off with the prison police and went to Yili, Xinjiang to conduct inspections and arrest.

On January 18, with the cooperation of the local police, the working group verified the man's living conditions, residence address and other information, and carefully formulated the arrest plan.After 8 hours of squatting on the streets of the wind and snow, Yang Moufang's figure finally appeared, and the police decisively rushed out and successfully arrested him.

After trial, the criminal Yang Moufang confessed to his criminal facts, and explained that he "bleached his identity" after escape in May 1980, and hee to Xinjiang, Gansu and other places, and returned to Xinjiang to settle in life after getting married and having children.to date.At 2 am on January 20, the working group brought the criminal Yang Moufang back and transferred it to Guangyuan Prison.

Fu Li Hongxing News Reporter Tang Xiaochang

Editor Pan Li blame Feng Lingling