Chen Zhixian said that he was not afraid of the public knowing that he was "wearing a green hat". He was a "pick -up man" and he was a "big injustice".

In December 2007, Chen Zhixian and Yu Hua (pseudonym) in Dexing City, Jiangxi Province registered for marriage.Today, 16 years later, the inside page of Yu Hua's marriage certificate has grown mold.Their marriage is like mildew, full of spots that cannot be removed.

Three parent -child appraisal reports issued by Hydi Gene show that Chen Zhixian does not support the biological father of three daughters.

"After we raised for 16 years, I knew that all 3 children were not born. She was pregnant before marriage. It was not mine. I was a" big grievance "." On December 26, Chen Zhixian facing upstream journalists on the upstreamVery painful.

Any man, when you encounter such an experience, will be like a knife, and will be confused.He has to go to a reputation infringement lawsuit, to go to a divorce lawsuit, and apply for criminal cases with the public security organs.Only by being punished by Wu Hua and Wu Moumou, who had an improper relationship with Yu Hua, would he have the courage to forget the pain.

In Yu Hua and his mother, the marriage of the two was not the fault of Yu Hua alone.The thought of her in -laws has the idea of ​​being a male light and girl, and Yu Huasheng's three children were caused by her in -laws.In March and April of 2022, Chen Zhixian hit Yu Hua and her mother, and made her mother a minor injuries, and took Yu Hua into the hospital, so that she did not dare to return.Chen Zhixian also hyped up a family dispute, making Yu Hua unable to be a person.

A river ditch passes through the Town of Dexing Huaqiao, the Chen family is in Hexi, and the Yu family is in Hedong.The Chen family hated the Yu family, and the Yu family hated the Chen family.The lives of two families and 3 minor children are already bad.

The sweetness of the past

On December 26, Dexing, Jiangxi, Chen Zhixian said that his encounter was full of tears.Photography/Upstream Journalists Shen Du

Chen Zhixian and Yu Hua, from love to marriage, have been sweet.

Chen Zhixian recalled that at the end of 2006, after being introduced, he was 30 years old and met with Yu Hua, 23.Seeing Yu Hua's first side, he emotionally believed that quiet and simple she was a person suitable for life.When he was in love, he opened a night shift mixer car in Hangzhou.After getting off work in the morning, he was afraid that breakfast would become cold.He stayed 1,000 yuan a month and remitted more than 2,000 yuan in Yu Hua.Yu Hua will buy clothes for him.

In November 2007, Yu Hua was pregnant.The following month, the two received their certificates and procedures, and entered the marriage hall.In 2008, Yu Hua gave birth to his first daughter.When the doctor handed his daughter to his hand, he saw that his daughter and Yu Hua were engraved with almost a mold.With the first daughter, he resigned from Hangzhou and returned to the eight rounds of trucks in Dexing.Whenever she was going to get out, her eldest daughter held his legs and murmured in her mouth: Dad should not leave, don't leave.

When recalling the details of her daughter holding her legs, Chen Zhixian smiled.After staying for a few seconds, he cried: "How sweet, how bitter it is now. The eldest daughter is not my biological, Yu Hua pregnant with someone else's children, and then marry me."

The villagers in the village where Yu Hua's mother was located introduced that when the two were just married, Chen Zhixian often went to his mother -in -law's house to help work.The eldest daughter and grandmother are also very close, and the family looks very happy.

After Yu Hua gave birth to the second daughter, the family burden was heavy.Yu Hua proposed to open a three -wheeler at the brick factory to reduce the pressure of Chen Zhixian.He persuaded her to quit her job, but Yu Hua refused.After three daughters, Yu Hua came to a restaurant in Dexing City as a cashier.Subsequently, the two opened a decoration shop in the city of Dexing.

Yu Hua's mother introduced that after the two got married, she often took gifts to visit her home; in 2018, she helped when she built a new house in her own house.

A familiar person who knows Yu Hua introduced that before March 2022, he had not seen the two quarrels.Treating Chen Zhixian's friend, Yu Hua is very friendly."I can't see it at all, Yu Hua is married with other people's children."

Standing at the door of the hotel all night

A villager in the village where Yu Hua's mother is located said that in 2018, after Yu Hua gave birth to the third daughter, the couple had contradictions."

This statement was denied by Chen Zhixian.He said that he and his parents believe that both children and daughters are the same.He and Yu Hua had a gap and contradiction at the end of 2021.

WeChat chat records show that at the end of 2021, Yu Hua and Xiao Bao's head Wu Mou came to the Luzhou contracting project in Zhejiang.Yu Hua vaguely expressed to the customer that Wu Moumou was her husband.

Chen Zhixian introduced that after finding that Yu Hua lied to him, she took her mobile phone while she was asleep and set up a "anti -theft function" to know the location of Yu Hua in time.

On March 1, 2022, Chen Zhixian discovered that Yu Hua stayed in a hotel in Luzhou, Zhejiang.He rushed to the hotel and found that Wu Moumou's car parked at the door of the hotel.The staff of the hotel parking lot will put a payment list on Wu Moumou's car windshield.The document shows that at 8:43 pm on March 1, Wu Moumou's car drove into the hotel parking lot.

Wu Moumou's car was parked in the hotel parking lot, and Yu Hua stayed in the hotel again. Chen Zhixian experienced the longest night.

Chen Zhixian said that if you want to go up, you dare not go up, for fear of seeing a scene where you don't want to see, this family will destroy it.If the three daughters grow up in a single -parent family, it is not good for growth.He stayed near the hotel, struggling, struggling, and lit a cigarette one after another.

When the sky is fast, he asked his eldest sister and elder brother -in -law to the hotel.At about 9 o'clock on March 2 of that year, he saw Wu Moumou and Yu Hua out of the house together.He could no longer control himself, rushed into the hotel with a prepared hammer, and slapped the two of them alone.Subsequently, he and Wu Moumou had physical conflicts.

Upstream journalists learned that the three parties involved in the conflict did not report to the police.

Chen Zhixian's elder sister said that if she had not grabbed the hammer, something would happen that day.She kept persuading, and then Wu Moumou ran away from the hotel. Chen Zhixian left angrily, and Yu Hua left.

Chen Zhixian said that he questioned why Yu Hua had betrayed him that day?Yu Hua tried to deny that the two were dealing with the work at the hotel.

After calm down, Chen Zhixian and Yu Hua returned to Dexing.Under the persuasion of relatives and friends, thinking about children, Chen Zhixian intends to continue to live with Yu Hua.

Are the two talking about work at the hotel that night?Upstream journalists have repeatedly called Yu Hua, and no one has been answered.

His wife carrying her husband's loan 328,000 yuan

The days of Chen Zhixian and Yu Hua did not develop in a good direction.On March 24, 2022, physical conflicts occurred.

Chen Zhixian introduced that when he contacted Yu Hua daily, he liked to play WeChat videos.After returning from Luzhou, one day he played a video to his wife and his wife refused to pick up.After his wife returned home, the two quarreled."I took the mobile phone I bought for her and said, I do n’t pick it up for you, what do I use my mobile phone?"

After taking the phone, Chen Zhixian found a secret on Yu Hua's mobile phone.Financial institution documents show that Yu Hua has a loan with a total loan amount of more than 328,000 yuan and a monthly repayment amount of more than 10,000 yuan.

Chen Zhi Xian Xian did not play a place: In 2018, it was built with a new house. He borrowed 200,000 yuan and did not pay it back. The life has always lived very tightly. Why do you want to borrow so much money?Why don't you tell yourself so much money?What is the use of loans?

On March 24, 2022, Chen Zhixian stayed on Yu Hua, who was in his maid's house, and on Yaqiao, Huaqiao TownMeet.Chen Zhixian said that Yu Hua did not say why the loan was, and he still didn't know where the loan was used.

The person who witnessed the conflict between the two introduced that the couple first quarreled. Yu Hua grabbed Chen Zhixian's key on his waist. Chen Zhixian overturned Yu Hua and pressed his feet.After the conflict, Chen Zhixian left and Yu Hua was hospitalized.

Yu Hua's mother said that after Yu Hua was beaten by Chen Zhixian, she felt pain when she was hospitalized.Yu Hua did not investigate Chen Zhixian's responsibility.

In response to Yu Hua's mother, Chen Zhixian said that this is a rumor. He has only two times to Yu Hua, once at the hotel, and the other is on the bridge.

After this physical conflict, Chen Zhixian never saw Yu Hua again.

Multiple -paragraph call recording shows that Chen Zhixian persuaded Yu Hua to go home, "Who do I want to borrow money, I will tell you that if you borrow 5,000 yuan to build a house, tell you who to find it. You borrow so much money., I must be angry at home and face it together.

Yu Hua replied: "It's not useful for your money, don't you want you to pay back? Why come back? My brother will have a birthday soon, and I have no money to give gifts. I want to make money."

Chen Zhixian said, "Come back, let me give you the gift money." Yu Hua said: "Don't." Chen Zhixian said angrily: "A pay back, last time Alipay, and borrow your 25,000 yuan to return it to me."

Yu Hua said, "Do you hit me? I don't go home, do I have a home? Do I dare to go back? You don't ask you why I don't go home?"

Appraisal report shows that all three children are not born from Chen Zhixian.Photography/Upstream Journalists Shen Du

3 daughters are not biological

Chen Zhixian said that Yu Hua was unwilling to go home. He couldn't sleep every night every night. He always remembered the details of the two people's past life.

Chen Zhixian thought that before Yu Huasheng, he took contraceptive measures.Based on this, he suspected that the third child was not his own.He brought his third child to the parent -child appraisal agency.On April 26, 2022, the results were released: the third child was not his own.

Chen Zhixian introduced that after seeing the appraisal report, he softened his feet and didn't know how to go to Yu Hua's mother's house.He questioned Yu Hua's mother.The two had physical conflicts. In the conflict, Yu Hua's mother was injured and was identified as a minor injury.He was criminally dealt with for suspicion of intentional injury, and later took the bail pending trial.After the bail pending period expires, the prosecutor makes a decision of non -prosecution.

In response to this injury, on December 27 this year, Yu Hua's mother said in an interview that until now her legs still hurt, she spent 50,000 yuan. Chen Zhixian only compensated 20,000 yuan.I was so miserable, he was not a good person. "

After some ideological struggle, Chen Zhixian also made DNA identification for the boss and the second child.The results showed that the two were not from Chen Zhixian.

Chen Zhixian said that he suffered a crackdown in one after another, and he fell into crazy.He wanted to ask Yu Hua, who is the child's father?But Yu Hua can't be connected.Then, he called most relatives of Yu Hua: "Grandpa, you have a good granddaughter, all 3 children are surnamed Chen, and I am not born."Only then, I know that the 3 children are not my biological "...

The parent -child appraisal report is like a knife, which may cut off his affection with the three children.

Chen Zhixian said: "After so many years of raising, let them go back to my mother -in -law's house, I also feel distressed. I have secretly went to school to see them many times. My parents have also seen them many times. Sometimes I was thinking:In terms of law and morality, I have no obligation to continue to raise them.

Burn 3 firecrackers retaliated

Chen Zhixian hated Yu Hua. In May 2022, he called the local media and informed the public on TV: "16 years of marriage, 3 baby non -biological."

Chen Zhixian said that he was not afraid that the public knew that he was "wearing a green hat".He just wanted public opinion and condemned Yu Hua.

Chen Zhixian believes that after the incident was exposed, Yu Hua retaliated him and his family.

Wu Moumou's administrative penalty decision.Photography/Upstream Journalists Shen Du

The administrative penalty decision of the Dexing City Public Security Bureau shows that at 0:30 on May 28, 2022, at the site of the self -built house on the roadside of the Huaqiao Infrastructure Team of Dexing City, Wu Moumou and Chen Zhixian's wife Yu Hua existed.After the relationship between men and women was discovered by Chen Zhixian, in order to retaliate against Chen Zhixian, Wu Moumou and Yu Hua used yellow -green electrical tape to place two 36 -sound flash buds at the entrance of Chen Zhixian's house threshold;On the toilet windows, the use of mosquito coils was delayed and detonated, resulting in Chen Zhixian's residential bathroom window damage and glass stain in the living room window.The price of the Development Reform Service Center of Dexing City is 582.92 yuan.

The recording obtained by upstream journalists showed that after Chen Zhixian heard the sound of firecrackers in front of the door, he called 110 to call the police.Subsequently, the 110 Command Center transferred the police situation to the Huaqiao Police Station.Chen Zhixian said that someone fried in front of his house with firecrackers.The police officer said: "I heard the sound of fireworks (firecrackers), and I was still thinking, who was letting fireworks in the middle of the night." The police police officer just finished this, and there were two noises at the bathroom window.Later, the police rushed to the scene.

The map shows that Chen Zhixian's home is only two kilometers away from the police station.Chen Zhixian's two neighbors said that the firecrackers were loud and they were awakened in their sleep.

The administrative penalty decision of the Dexing Public Security Bureau showed that on July 5, 2022, Wu Moumou was detained for 10 days; on January 21, 2023, Yu Hua was detained for 8 days after he arrived.

Chen Zhixian believes that the case should not be an administrative case or a criminal case.He said that the two ignited the behavior of firecrackers and caused their 78 -year -old father to become ill.According to cases of the People's Hospital of Dexing City, on May 29, 2022, his father was discharged from the hospital for tension, acute emergency disorder, insufficient blood supply to the arteries, and insufficient blood supply to the hospital.

In response to the different opinions of Chen Zhixian, a official person from Dexing City said that it would conduct further investigations on the basis of previous surveys.

Mother -in -law said that the son -in -law had a family atrocities and was denied

Nowadays, Chen Zhixian insists on live broadcast on social platforms, and he repeatedly tells his experience every day.He said that he wanted to get attention through live broadcast to see if he could promote the survey of a big division case.The judicial organs should be able to find out who the biological father of the three children is.Is the biological father of the three children the same person?If there is no husband and wife, how can I have children together?

In response to Chen Zhixian's question, officials from Dexing said that the relevant departments are studying and will handle it in accordance with laws and regulations. Some conclusions will inform Chen Zhixian in a timely manner.

On December 28 this year, Chen Zhixian sued Wu Moumou's reputation infringement case, Chen Zhixian and Yu Hua's divorce case, and will not be tried in the Dexing Court. It is believed that the court will come up with a convincing judgment.

"Can the children swipe the live video? Does the students talk about them?" The official said that it was very sympathetic to Chen Zhixian's encounter.After all, the children are innocent after all.At present, the local customs committee and psychiatrist are psychological guidance for three children.

P> The official person said that Wu Moumou was a moral problem.But he believes that Wu Moumou is not sure, whether the three children are biological.

Upstream journalists found that Chen Zhixian often emerged from extreme ideas.Chen Zhixian also realized that there was a problem with his mental health.Yu Hua's mother, who is raising 3 children, is also under tremendous psychological pressure.

Local people said that these situations would report these situations and intervene in Chen Zhixian as soon as possible so that he could treat harm rationally.At the same time, help Yu Hua's mother to reduce the burden.

In addition, upstream journalists consult the staff of the relevant departments of Dexing.The marriage has not been operated well. It is always the responsibility of two people. Yu Hua rarely speaks. Can you try to let Yu Hua talk about her view of this marriage?As of press time, no reply was received.

Yu Hua rarely speaks, and her mother still speaks.On December 27 of this year, Yu Hua's mother said that after Yu Hua married Chen Zhixian, she had not lived a day.Chen Zhixian had a family atrocities, and Chen Zhixian's parents did not treat her daughter -in -law. The three granddaughters were she brought more. Chen Zhixian did not remember even the commemorative day of the two of them.

In response to Yu Hua's mother, Chen Zhixian said, "Not true."

Upstream journalists Shen Du