According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs on December 26, the State Council appointed state staff.

Among them, Meng Yang was appointed Deputy Director of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration;

Public resumes show that Meng Yang, male, born in 1965, Jiangsu, member of the Communist Party of China.

Meng Yang

In 2004, Meng Yang, as the fourth batch of cadres in Tibet to Tibet from Beijing to Tibet, served as the deputy secretary -general of the autonomous region government, and served as the second group of cadres in Tibet.Three years later, Meng Yang changed from the fourth batch of cadres to Tibet to the fifth batch and continued to aid Tibet for three years.

After finishing the aid, he served as the inspector of the Second Bureau of the State Council and the director of the Secretary of the Secretary.In May 2015, he served as Deputy Secretary -General of the State Council and adjusted here.