Yang He Beiyin, director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Affairs, said that Hong Kong civil servants should unite and support the Hong Kong government's governance, and should not deal with the 23 legislation of the Basic Law.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Yang Hebein said on Sunday (December 24) on the radio program.Questions, including Article 23 of the Basic Law.

She said: "(23) legislation is the constitutional responsibility of our (SAR Government). It has been written in the Basic Law and it should be done by the SAR government."

For the past, if there are civil servants participating in the strike in the past, it will be regarded as violating the codes of civil servants.Political purposes should be alert.

She said: "Civil servants are also employees. In terms of salary, welfare, there are space and employers, namely the SAR government. Of course, if you say that you leave these, there are other political purposes, civil servantsWhen participating, you must be careful, and you have to give them space to them., Chief Executive Li Jiachao also believes that he should review the rules again.

The Hong Kong government has previously announced the renewal of the Code Code Consultation Draft, which has increased the basic beliefs that civil servants must observe from six items to 12 items, of which the first place in maintaining constitutional order and national security."Neutral" projects are added with "loyalty and loyalty", stipulating that civil servants must not criticize any government policies on the Internet, social media or other methods.

However, Yang He Beiyin said last Saturday (23) that even if senior civil servants express their opinions, they are not "free gold medals."The smaller.