The former party secretary and chairman Hu Hu China Shipbuilding Industry Group HuQi Ming was sentenced to 13 years in prison for suspected bribery and state -owned company personnel abuse of power.He was charged with official positions for 20 years, and illegally accepted nearly 60 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 11.45 million).

According to CCTV News client, the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced Hu Wenming to bribery in the morning on Tuesday (December 26) in the morning (December 26), and the abuse of power of state -owned company personnel.The court decided that he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for bribery and fined 5 million yuan. He was sentenced to three years in prison for the crime of abuse of power of state -owned company personnel.Hu Wenming, who was seized and frozen in the case, recovered the property obtained by the bribery and his interest, and paid the state treasury; the relevant units that were lost in the case of the abuse of the case were still lost.

After hearing, it was found out: from 2001 to 2020, Hu Wenming used the party committee, chairman and general manager of the party committee, chairman and general manager of the China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation.Minister of the Group Corporation's Vehicle Equipment Department, members and deputy general manager of the Party Group of China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation, members and deputy general manager of the Party Group of China Aviation Industry Corporation, Secretary of the Party Group, Deputy General Manager, Chairman of the Party Group of China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd.The convenience or authority of the party group and chairman of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., chairman, and other matters for the convenience or authority and status of status.Providing help, illegal acceptance of property is equivalent to more than 59.86 million yuan, of which 9.95 million yuan has not been actually obtained.

The court also pointed out that from 2013 to 2015, Hu Wenming served as the party secretary and chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., accepting others to entrust and accept bribes., Intentionally violated the management responsibilities of state -owned assets, and the acquisition of the assets of private shipyards violated, causing particularly major losses.

The Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court believes that Hu Wenming's behavior constitutes the crime of bribery and the crime of abuse of power of state -owned company personnel.Hu Wenming's bribery amount is particularly huge, and the abuse of the abuse of the abuse of personal gain caused the national interests to suffer particularly major losses. All should be punished according to law and punished.Given that Hu Wenming's attempted bribery department attempted, all the losses caused by the abuse of power have been recovered. After the case, the crimes were truthfully confeed, and most of the facts that the case handling agency had not yet mastered the bribery facts, pleaded guilty, actively returned stolen goods, stolen money stolen goods, and stolen money.The case has been seized, and the report of others constitutes a major merit. It has multiple legal and depending on the lenient penalty plot. The above -mentioned crime can be punished lightly, and the court will make the above judgment.

Hu Wenming, 66, was investigated in May 2020, was expelled from the Communist Party of China in January of the following year, and was arrested in the same month.During his tenure, Hu Wenming had commanded and participated in a series of major military engineering projects.

According to China News Weekly, in April 2017, China's first domestic aircraft carrier laid off the water in Dalian. Hu Wenming was the commander of the carrier engineering development.And the construction of the first domestic aircraft carrier.In addition, he also participated in projects such as J-10, domestic large aircraft C919.Before retiring, his last position was the party group and chairman of the China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., and the deputy ministerial level of the official house.