December 24, 2023

image source, getty images

In the 1990s, Zhu Ling, a victim of "Poisoning Poison", who was shocked by China in the 1990s, died in Beijing on Friday (December 22) at the age of 50.

In 1994, Zhu Ling, who was the student of the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University, was diagnosed with poisoning "铊" poisoning during school, which led her to paralyzed her whole body, almost blind eyes, and had severe brain injury.After lying sick in bed, Zhu Ling began to take care of his parents all the time, and died of illness thirty years later.The case started the investigation that year, but no one was sued.

Her classmates and university -style bedrooms, Sun Wei, was investigated in 1997 and was suspected due to lack of evidence.Sun Wei has claimed his innocence in social media for many years, and changed his name called Sun Shiyan.

victim Zhu Ling

At the end of 1994, Zhu Ling began to have stomach pain and hair loss, and fell into a coma after a few months.EssenceBeijing hospital later diagnosed her to poison.The latter is a soft metal element that can dissolve, tasteless and odorous in water.

At that time, some people claimed that Ms. Sun had a path to expose the salt, but she had posted that she was not the only student who could contact such toxic substances.Zhu Ling's family and supporters have always hinted that Sun Wei has the motivation for criminal motivation because of jealousy Zhu Ling's beauty, music and academic achievements.Ms. Sun denied any hostile to Zhu Ling.

In 2013, a petition signed by tens of thousands of people asked the United States to investigate Sun Wei, who lived in the United States at the time, and sent her out of the country and returned to China for trial.The petition states that Sun Wei's family has a strong political network in China, and Ms. Sun "has a criminal motivation and can expose fatal chemicals."

At that time, the White House responded to the petition, expressing the refusal to comment on the request, but said that Zhu Ling's poisoning incident was "a tragedy."In 2013, the relevant departments defended the investigation at that time, indicating that limited evidence limited the ability to restart the case.

Some media reports said that the reason why Sun Wei was exempt from prosecution may be because his grandfather, Sun Yuezaki, was a senior man in China during his lifetime, and another relative was the former deputy mayor in Beijing.

Sun Wei said that her grandfather had died when she was asked by the police.The police denied that their investigations were influenced by others; in 2013, the police said: "The special investigation team operated in accordance with the law and the investigation has never been damaged or disturbed by any form."

铊 poisoning

铊 is a metal element.Human central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and kidney are lesions.Patients with acute poisoning have dizziness, headache, insomnia, and then symptoms such as finger tremor, vision loss, and hair loss.

Unfortunately, Zhu Ling's poisoning incident was not the last poisoning incident in the campus of Chinese universities.In 1997 and 2007, Peking University and China University of Mining.

In 1997, Wang Xiaolong, the Department of Chemistry of Peking University, voted to two classmates with salt poison. One of them was his poisoning target, and the other was an experimental object.In 2007, a student at the University of China acknowledged poisoning, causing three students to poison.Poisoners have been arrested by police.The poisoner claimed that the three classmates who had a good relationship with the poisoning had a good relationship, but later they were alienated by the three because of small friction, so they decided to retaliate.

In addition, in 2018, Yang Yukai, a Chinese student who studied chemistry at American universities, tried to poison his African -American roommate within a few months. He was accused of attempted murder.Prosecutor said that Yang Yukai added 铊 to the food and drinks of Juwan Royal.

Yang Yukai acknowledged the purchase of chemicals, but said that these chemicals were used for himself; prosecutors said that the suspected poisoning incident took place in the spring of 2018, when the University of Lachai, Pennsylvania (University of Pennsylvania (Royal, a senior student of Lehight University, sought medical assistance because he felt dizzy, fainted, vomiting and shaking.

Internet response

Zhu Ling's death is fierce on the Chinese Internet.

Her alma mater Beijing Tsinghua University announced on Saturday's official account on Sina Weibo to announce the death news of Ms. Zhu: "Zhu Ling has been fighting for the pain for many years.Support and encourage us to condolences to Zhu Ling's death and condolences to Zhu Ling's family.

There were 20,000 people forwarded, and more than 700 people left a message to express their death for Zhu Ling.A netizen said, "May she go all the way, there is no pain in heaven!"

The doctor who used to diagnose and treat Zhu Ling also made his speech on Weibo Search 11. The doctor said that since 2000, he has been treated with Zhu Ling's parents for help to heal his loved daughter. In the end, Zhu Ling died of a brain tumor.Sorry.

In fact, the Zhu Ling incident was engaged in the process of tracing the truth about their relatives and friends to investigate the truth, reflecting the process of China's Internet operations.

According to public information, after Zhu Ling was sick, the medical technology of Beijing Hospital had not found the cause at that time.Zhu Ling's middle school classmates Beizhi City, Cai Quanqing and others were translated into English at that time, and sent an email to the SCI.Med and the Chinese overseas news group through the Internet.Eventually, Zhu Ling was poisoned.

According to the 45th year of Zhu Ling's investigation report published by Chinese reporter Li Jiajia in 2019: a book of suspicious cases in Beijing Tsinghua female student poisoning, the Zhu Ling case should be the first case for China to ask for help on the Internet.

In the mid -1990s, China has just opened up the Internet to access the Internet, and the "Great Wall of the Internet" has not yet begun to build.

After the death of Zhu Ling's death, Li Jiajia said in an interview with the Chinese Media Southern Metropolis Daily: "Records and vocals are meaningful. One more person knows and helps this family. I hope that my generation has a lifetime.Wait until the day. "

In 2013, Shanghai Fudan University once again broke the laboratory poisoning case, shocking society.The Zhu Ling incident has once again attracted the attention of China.Zhu Ling's alumni and family members were submitted to the White House on the Internet, hoping to expel Sun Wei in the United States, and ended in failure.

However, the Zhu Ling case has now become a case that many overseas Chinese Youtuber and bloggers are very concerned.These self -media's views on who is Zhu Ling's victims or who should be responsible is not the same.However, at the same time, for decades, Zhu Ling's relatives and friends and volunteers assisting Ms. Zhu's parents have continued to update Zhu Ling's condition on the Internet and WeChat public account, which has attracted the attention and support of many netizens.

Ms. Zhu's encounter has attracted the attention of Chinese netizens, and poisoners have not arrested.The suspension of this suspension also reflects another landscape of China's Internet for decades.