The liquor leader died of illness.

According to the Hubei Daily, on December 25, the reporter confirmed from the relevant persons of Hubei Daohua Xiang Group that Cai Hongzhu, the founder of the rice flower incense, the party secretary of the rice flower group, and the lifelong honorary chairman, died on December 24 at the age of 72.As of now, the official website, official Weibo and public accounts of Daohuixiang Group have become black and white.

Data show that Cai Hongzhu started from zero and created the "rice flower incense" wine industry in one hand.In the "Fortune 500 Chinese Private Enterprise 500" list, Daohuaxiang Group ranked 180th in the country with its operating income of 60.52128 billion yuan, ranking high in Hubei Province, and the only private enterprise in Yichang in Hubei.In 2023, "Rice Flower Fragrance" was selected as the most valuable brand in China for 20 consecutive years, with a brand value of 108.592 billion yuan.

Cai Hongzhu, the founder of rice flower incense

According to several media reports, Cai Hongzhu, the founder of the well -known wine company Daohuixiang, the party secretary of the rice flower fragrant group, and the lifelong honorary chairman, died of illness on the evening of the 24th at the age of 72.The official website of the rice flower fragrant group and the official Wei have turned black and white.

The Hubei Provincial Floravity Association issued a lottery today:

I heard that Mr. Cai Hongzhu died unfortunately. The Hubei Provincial Liquor Circulation Industry Association expressed her deep condolences and extended her sincere condolences to Mr. Cai Hongzhu's family!

Mr. Cai Hongzhu has made important contributions to the development of the wine industry in Hubei and even in China, and created and led the rice flower fragrant wine industry brand and enterprise, and made positive contributions to the improvement of Chujiu's status in the country.Mr. Cai Hongzhu's pursuit of career, dedication to work, and contribution to the industry are the models of our wine industry.

"Three people, three -mouth cylinder, 1500 yuan loan" start

Cai Hongzhu's entrepreneurial process is a legend.

According to the Securities Times, in 1951, Cai Hongzhu was born in a farmer's house in Qinglong Village, Longquan Town, Yichang, Hubei.When he was young, Cai Hongzhu's life was very embarrassed.Cai Hongzhu also has three sisters. In order to read books for Cai Hongzhu, the whole family saves money.After graduating from junior high school, Cai Hongzhu started a private primary school teacher. Later, he raised bees and became the forest farm and the store cashier.

In 1982, 31 -year -old Cai Hongzhu founded the first factory in the village -Qinglong Village soy sauce factory. This is the famous story of "three people, three -mouth cylinders, and 1,500 yuan loan".He pulled the soy sauce on the street with a board.It didn't take long for Cai Hongzhu to become a well -known "10,000 households".

From April 1983 to October 1992, he served as the director of the Bailin Winery Factory in Yichang County.

In 1986, with the support of the party committee and town government of Longquan Town, Cai Hongzhu merged the soy sauce factory with the Tumen Winery next door.At that time, the winery was close to the collapse. Except for a few fermented tanks of wine, there were only more than 50 mouths to eat.

In 1992, Cai Hongzhu founded the "rice flower incense" brand and began to enter the field of liquor brewing.In November 1992, Cai Hongzhu served as chairman and general manager of Hubei Daohuixiang Group Corporation.

After 2004, the liquor industry gradually entered the period of gold. The major wine brands and strong regional brands were intertwined with melee, and the competition was very fierce.After the time of trial, Cai Hongzhu proposed the implementation of the "Golden Network Project", which is about to sink the marketing center to the terminal to realize the practical marketing project of the three -in -one interest of manufacturers, agents, and terminal merchants.First serve the terminal, and then clear the channels, so as to establish an orderly marketing network to achieve the market management and service system of outlines.

In 2006, Cai Hongzhu proposed that the liquor industry was the leader, the development of the agricultural industrialization cycle economy as the direction, and serving the new rural construction as a carrier to carry out the "five -level cycle" agricultural circular economic development model.

In the first few years entering the 21st century, Cai Hongzhu can be said to have experienced hardships and also achieved the most exciting and ups and downs in his legendary career.

It is reported that in March 2001, Cai Hongzhu, who returned from a business trip from a business trip, took out the key to open the door and opened the house, and felt dark and lost consciousness.Stroke may only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Cai Hongzhu's sudden fall, which caused a strong chain reaction for a while. There are rumors in Longquan Town.The loss of the backbone is mostly dug away by competitors.

On the other side, the loan bank couldn't sit still, and they came to urge loans. The dealers appeared in a large -scale "not picking up, no payment".In April of the following year, the company's chief financial officer at that time was seriously injured by a motorcycle and was admitted to the hospital. At that time in August, a car accident occurred when the marketing deputy chief drove, collided with the large trucks driving on the face, and the car was destroyed on the spot.The death.

By the end of 2002, the annual sales of rice and flower fragrance dropped from 670 million to 280 million, and fell by 58%in four months.However, Cai Hongzhu came back.He waved his hand again: "Grasp the main business of liquor and increase 50,000 tons of production capacity." At that time, the scale of production capacity means sales of 1.5 billion for rice.

In 2003, he had realized that the liquor industry will enter an unprecedented period of historical opportunities. Super conventional development is the most direct way to lead companies to get out of the predicament.As a result, Daohua fragrance acquired wine companies such as Guan Gongfang wine industry, Zhaojun wine industry, Qu Yuan wine industry, and strongly launched the province's layout.

By 2006, the rice flower incense achieved sales revenue of 1.5 billion yuan and the target of 100 million yuan in profits; in 2007, sales revenue was 2.5 billion, profit of 200 million;100 million, 700 million, exceeded 60 billion to today.

In 2011, Daohuixiang Group became the first "tens of billions of agricultural names" in Hubei Province.During the "Twelfth Five -Year Plan" period, the "one master, three auxiliary" industry cluster, which is the main business, supports the logistics, packaging, and cultural tourism industry, entered the top 500 Chinese enterprises, and Longquan Town, where the enterprise is located, became the famous town of white wine in China.

In the "Top 500 Chinese Private Enterprise 500" list, Daohuixiang Group ranked 180th in the country with 60.5212.8 billion yuan in operating income, ranked 4th in Hubei Province, and is also the only private enterprise in Yichang in Hubei.In 2023, "Rice Flower Fragrance" was selected as the most valuable brand in China for 20 consecutive years, with a brand value of 108.592 billion yuan.

It is reported that the rice flower fragrance is the main incense -type liquor, and its "rice flower incense", "Guan Gongfang", "Sample" and "Jun Zhihong" have been identified as "China's well -known trademark" by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce."Fragrant Fragrance" was identified as "Chinese time" by the Ministry of Commerce, and was selected as "China's New Eight Famous Wine" and "Chinese Lao Zee Brand Value List".

In October this year, Cai Hongzhu and Cai Kaiyun ranked 755th in 2023 · Hurun's wealth list with 8 billion yuan, which was a significant jumper from last year.

Although he has stepped down as the chairman of the rice flower incense, his son Cai Kaiyun has been taken over, as of the past, according to the information displayed by Tianyancha, he still serves as a corporate legal person.Fields and shareholders including real estate, commerce, feed and other industry companies.

Cai Hongzhu's honor has obtained: the national outstanding township entrepreneurs, the eight most valuable private entrepreneurs in China, the 100 outstanding people in China, 50 Chinese corporate trademarks, the top ten Chinese wine industry in 2007, and the reform and opening up 30The classic figures of the Chinese wine industry in the year, the 30 years of China's reform and opening up, Yichang has contributed a special contribution.

Its son in 2018 has been "successor"

It is worth noting that there are always difficulties in Chinese private enterprises, while the rice flower fragrant group has completed the new and old alternation as early as 5 years ago.Essence

In December 2017, Cai Kaiyun, the son of Cai Hongzhu, was elected chairman of the rice flower fragrant group; on January 10, 2018, Cai Kaiyun's new leadership team members officially appeared.

Cai Kaiyun was born in 1972, and he was a civil servant.Until 2006, Cai Kaiyun, 34, resigned from the public office to enter the rice flower fragrant group.

After Cai Kaiyun took over the position of chairman of the chairman, rice and flower fragrance entered the second new journey of entrepreneurship.For the company's future plan, in an interview with the Three Gorges Daily, Cai Kaiyun once stated that during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, it will fully promote the operating income of the main business of liquor industry to exceed 10 billion yuan, and the packaging industry to achieve 10 billion yuan.Struggle towards the "100 billion industrial cluster".

However, according to the industry, the current rice flower wine industry is far from the goal of 10 billion yuan. In 2022, the wine industry revenue is about 4 billion yuan, and more income is contributed by other business sectors of the group.

According to the First Financial Report, although it is a well -known brand in Hubei, it is accepted nationwide, and the incense of rice and flowers also face the competition of many liquor brands. What is the future of rice and flowers?The industry's views are different.

According to the Daily Economic News, on December 25, Zhu Danpeng, an analyst at Chinese food industry, said that the nationalization process of rice and flower fragrance began to start earlier, but the overall effect was not particularly ideal at the time. Since then, rice and flower fragrance still focuses on the Hubei market.Zhu Danpeng believes that in the Hubei market, in addition to rice and flowers, there are brands such as Jin brand and Baiyun.

Cai Hongzhu's death, what does it affect the future development of Dahua Xiang Group?

Xiao Zhuqing, chairman of Wuhan Jingkui Technology Co., Ltd., believes that Cai Hongzhu's death has little impact on the future of the rice flower fragrant group. After years of hard work, the marketing foundation of Daohua incense in Henan and Henan, Hubei, is also relatively strong.In addition, Cai Kaiyun has been inaugurated by the Chairman of the rice flower for many years and has completely mastered the operation of rice flower fragrance.

Upstream News Comprehensive Daily Economic News, First Financial, Securities Times, Finance News Agency, China Fund News, Jimu News, etc.