The Hong Kong government has previously announced the renewal of the Code Code Consultation Draft, stating that civil servants must abide by 12 basic beliefs, of which the first place in maintaining constitutional order and national security.Hong Kong Civil Service Director Yang He Beiyin said on Saturday (December 23) that civil servants are not ordinary jobs and are responsible for maintaining Hong Kong's constitutional responsibility and national security.She also emphasized that the opinions issued by senior civil servants, even if they are personal, are not "free gold medals", it is easy to be linked to the content of the speech with their public office, mistakenly thinking that their opinions are government opinions.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Yang Hebein said in a radio program that the Code after integration is much more detailed than before. It is hoped that civil servants have a better understanding.Responsibilities to maintain the constitutional responsibility and national security of Hong Kong, and once again call on the civil servants of that level to be careful when speaking, especially when expressing objections, to avoid misunderstanding of their statement representing the government.

For the codes mentioning that civil servants should be based on the people and leave the comfort zone, Yang Hebein said that in the past, there were indeed criticisms that civil servants were doing things and rigidity according to their own.You can't just look at whether you do well enough, the national development is closely related to Hong Kong. Civil servants must have a state view, see the situation, and go to the time to advance in order to meet the expectations of citizens.As for leaving the comfort circle, she explained that a set of ways to do things may only change in 20 years ago. Now there may be new methods and new technologies in the incident two months."I really have the courage to go out."

I was asked if there was still room for civil servants to express their opinions. She emphasized that the reality is the same as the online world.The opinions of the publication, even if they are personal, are not "free gold medals", they are easily connected to the content of speaking with their public office, mistakenly thinking that their opinions are government opinions.

Yang He Beiyin also said that caution is China's virtue. Civil servants do not have any opinions on policies, but do not misunderstand that it is government opinion.She said that everyone should be responsible for their consequences and spread. Even if they say in the private circle, they must be responsible for individuals when they are out of the person.

For the rules that indicate that civil servants cannot be organized or participated in the organization that hinders government governance, Yang Hebein acknowledged that there were rules that should be abide by the solution of civil servants.She reiterated that the government's governance was an extreme behavior.

When asked if she could petition in the future, she said that it would look at the way. If the civil servants were paid for their salary, service conditions, etc., it would be reasonable.The way to destroy social tranquility is not good. I believe that any actions of unions are abiding by the law and will express their opinions rationally.