China Ocean Sea Transport Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team, Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, December 24 News: Liu Chong, former party secretary and chairman of China Ocean Marine Shipping Development Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently accepting China Ocean Marine Discipline InspectionThe supervisory team and the Jinzhou Municipal Supervisory Committee of Liaoning Province and the supervision review and supervision investigation.

Liu Chong

On November 21 this year, COSCO issued an announcement saying that the company's board of directors recently received a written speech by Liu Chong, the chairman and executive director of the company. Liu Chong resigned from the position of chairman of the company, executive director, legal representative, chairman of the board of directors, chairman of the board of directors, chairman of the investment strategy committee, and members of the nomination committee. After resigning, Liu Chong will no longer hold any position in the company and subordinate companies.

Public information shows that Liu Chong was born in 1970, a bachelor's degree in economics, senior accountant.He used to be the deputy general manager of Zhonghai Group Investment Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of Zhonghai Group Logistics Co., Ltd., Chief Accountant of Zhonghai (Hainan) Haisheng Shipping Co., Ltd., Director of the Financial Management Department of Zhonghai (Group) Corporation, and Zhonghai Container Transportation Co., Ltd.The General Accountant of Limited Co., Ltd., General Manager of CITIC Group Investment Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of China International Maritime Container (Group) Co., Ltd., Chairman of Dongfang International Container (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Chairman of COSCO Shipping Development Co., Ltd. and other positions.

In 2019, Liu Chong served as the party secretary and chairman of the China Ocean Marine Shipping Development Co., Ltd.

According to reports, COSCO Shipping Development Co., Ltd. is a company that is dedicated to shipping logistics production and integration services. It is one of the core industries of COSCO Shipping Group.

In October this year, according to the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee on the inspection work, the Tenth Inspection Team of the Central Committee entered the China Ocean Shipping Group to conduct a two -month inspection.