The former Minister of Finance of China Lou Jiwei said on Saturday (December 23) that according to the flexible, moderate, accurate and effective requirements, China's monetary policy has more room for interest rate cuts.The fiscal deficit next year should be maintained at 3.8%.At the same time, China does not need to increase too much public investment next year, which is important to increase general expenditure.

Comprehensive China Net Finance and Sina Finance reported that the China Fortune Management 50 Men Forum 2023 (Tenth) was held in Shenzhen on Saturday.Lou Jiwei, the chairman of the Global Wealth Management Forum, said at the meeting that the CPI (Consumer Price) Index has basically hovered around 0 since the second quarter, and it fell to -0.5%in November.It has always been negative, and it has been reduced to -3%in November, and the nominal interest rate of each loan is about 3.5%.

According to this calculation, the substantial interest rate of the company's loan exceeds 6.5%. According to the requirements of "flexible and moderate, accurate and effective", the monetary policy still has a large interest rate cut and rangers. This is conducive to reducing the enterprise.Operation and investment costs, house purchase costs, and reduced operating costs of financial institutions.

Lou Jiwei pointed out that at present, the financing cost of private enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises, is much higher than the average level. In fact, it can better identify risks through technology finance and reduce risk premium.In addition, the role of national financing guarantee funds is not played enough. It is necessary to play its role. It can truly solve the problem of difficult financing and expensive financing of small and micro enterprises. Finance can make certain subsidies for the fund.

Lou Jiwei also said that another key problem that needs to be faced in the middle period is that the real estate downturn. At presentIn advance, reducing the proportion of down payment, etc., the quality of assets is acceptable, and real estate companies with difficulty in liquidity provide credit support, and continue to contain incremental increase in hidden debt of local debt and properly resolve the stock.There are no major risks and improving market demand.