The deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission, and Xu Qingfeng, director of the Provincial Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported the above news on Sunday (December 24).

Public information shows that Xu Qingfeng is 58 years old and is from Huidong, Guangdong.He served as a member and deputy director of the Party Group of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, the director of the Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau; the members of the Provincial Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, and the party secretary and director of the Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau.

According to the Beijing News WeChat public account "political affairs", many people have been investigated recently.

On November 11th, Zhu Hong, secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and took the initiative to invest in the case.check.