The website of the Wuhu City Medical Security Bureau of Anhui Province issued a report on the issue of the problem of illegal use of the medical insurance fund in Wuhu City Second People's Hospital:

On November 30, 2023, online news about the Second People's Hospital of Wuhu City has aroused social attention. The Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to the establishment of a joint investigation team with the head of the municipal government in charge of the team leader.

From March 19th to July 12th, 2022, Yang Moumou revenue to the second people of Wuhu City, such as spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, chronic renal failure (uremia), level 3 (extremely high risk), etc.Inpatient treatment of hospitals. On July 12, 2022, he was transferred to the second affiliated hospital of the South An South Medical College. He died of invalidation on October 14, 2022.

On July 18, 2023, the Wuhu Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau received a report from the provincial bureau to report Yang Moumou's letters and visits, reflecting that Wuhu Second People's Hospital passed the fictional and skewer diagnosis and treatment services during the hospitalization of his father due to brain hemorrhagic hospitalization.Using medical insurance funds illegally illegally. Under the guidance of the Anhui Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Wuhu Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau was based on the data screening and analysis.A comprehensive verification of the hospital's hospital charges and medical insurance reimbursement during the reporter's father was hospitalized.Through medical records, on -site inquiries, and data comparison, Check out 10 issues involved in the report, which are basically real.

After investigation, the hospital has problems such as over -diagnosis and treatment, excessive examination, excess drug prescriptions, repeated charges, sculpted fees, ultra -standard charges and other problems.10,000 yuan. In order to protect the safety of the medical insurance fund and protect the legitimate rights and interests of patients, according to the medical insurance service agreement signed by the hospital and the medical insurance department of Wuhu City, the Wuhu Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau handled it in accordance with the agreement: First, the full recovery of violations of the rulesThe medical insurance fund used will deduct the penalty damage of 56074.41 yuan according to the 30%pack; the second is to interview the relevant person in charge of the hospital to order it to rectify immediately; the third is to transfer it to the public security and health department for further inspection and processing.At present, the above processing measures have been completed.At the same time, the Wuhu Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has launched an administrative penalty procedure in accordance with the supervision and management regulations of the Medical Security Fund.

While conducting inspections on the reporting issues, the joint inspection team of the provincial and municipalities conducted a comprehensive extension of the medical insurance fund use from April 1st to May 31, 2023, and is currently verifying further.On September 25, the Wuhu Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau gave the reporters in writing to the reporter in writing the verification and processing of the implementation of the implementation rules (trial) in accordance with the supervision and management of the Anhui Provincial Medical Security Fund (trial).In accordance with the report rewards of the use of medical security funds in Anhui Province illegal and illegal, the reporter was given 5364.04 yuan to report rewards.

At present, Wuhu Second People's Hospital has remembered a punishment and suspended inspection of the head nurse in Wuhu City.Director warned and adjusted his position. The joint investigation team of the city is investigating and verifying the matters involved in the report, and will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations for all verified issues.