After a terrorist attack on Friday (March 22), the U.S. White House stated that after a terrorist attack on Friday (March 22) in the Russian capital of Moscow, it did not believe that the US State Department's previous warning refers to the specific attack.

China News Agency quoted the White House website news reported that the reporter asked John Kury, a strategic communication coordinator of the National Security Council, and given that the US Embassy issued a warning in advance, did the United States know that the attack occurred in Moscow in advance?Cerbin replied that he did not have more information about it.

In the face of reporters, he added that the U.S. State Department would answer this question, but he did not think that the US State Department's warning previously issued a specific attack.

The "Fan Red Flower City Hall" concert hall in Klasino, Moscow is a shooting event on Friday and caught fire on Friday.The Xinhua News Agency reported that the Russian Investigation Commission issued a statement on Saturday (23rd) that The terrorist attack has killed 93 people

There are US officials pointed out that members of the extreme organization "Islamic State" have been active in Russia. In the earlier March, the United States collected intelligence saying that the Islamic State Horosen Branch (ISIS-K) has been planning to launch Moscow to launch MoscowAttack.The US Embassy in Moscow issued a security warning about the "extremists who will attack Moscow" on March 7 on March 7.

According to sources, the warning of the US embassy is related to the attack.U.S. officials also said that in addition to public warnings, the United States has also revealed to Russian officials in private situations that are about to attack.It is unclear how much information the United States has provided Russia.But this week, Russia has rebuked the US Embassy's security statement to "blackmail", intending to "destroy the stability of Russian society."

On March 7, local time, the US Embassy in Moscow had a security warning on its official website , it is recommended to avoid participating in large rally in the next 48 hours in Russia, and specifically mentioned the "concert".

At that time, this statement wrote: "There are reports that extremes are about to launch a large -scale rally (including concert) in Moscow. The embassy is paying close attention to this."