It is reported that China's official plan will meet with the American business leader after the China Development High -level Forum next week.

The Wall Street Journal reported that people familiar with the matter disclosed that the list of participants was still sorting out, but this arrangement may also be canceled at the last moment.The two -day China Development High -level Forum was opened in Beijing on Sunday (March 24).

Bloomberg quoted the report that Chinese official plans to hold talks with the American business leaders in Beijing next Wednesday (27th).Participants include Stephen Orlins, chairman of the National Committee of the United States and China, Craig Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, and Chairman and CEO of the Anda Insurance Group (CHUBB LTD).Essence

Reporting refers to the lack of publicity of previous years in China Development High -level Forum this year, and no keynote speaker has been announced.Reuters reported last week that Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang would not meet with foreign companies during the forum.After the Prime Minister's press conference was canceled earlier, the potential will break another tradition.

It is reported that Stephen Allen Schwarzman, co -founder of Apple CEO Cook and Blackstone Group, is expected to attend the forum.Starbucks President Laxman Narasimhan and Pfizer Pharmaceutical and Cargill also planned to participate.

China Development High -level Forum was held on March 24th and 25th at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing.