(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu acknowledged on Tuesday that he and the United States Biden government had different opinions on the Lafa in the southern city of Gaza, but insisted on launching ground wars on the La Fa is necessaryof.The Israeli delegation is expected to go to the White House next week to listen to the US concerns about the problem of La La.

Sources revealed that the United States would propose Israel to abandon La Fa and change to strengthen the security of Egypt and Gaza, thereby cutting off the weapon smuggling channels to disintegrate Hamas's residual forces.

Neutanahu Tuesday (March 19) told the Israeli Congress Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission that he said when he called the US President Biden the day before.Only through the ground offensive can it be done.

The White House previously said that Biden warned in a call with Neitana that it would be a mistake to launch the ground war against Lafa.Neutanajul admits that "we all know" the United States has differences in the issue of La Fa's military operations, but emphasizes that the main goals of the two sides have consistent with the main goals of the Gaza War."The controversy with the United States is whether it is necessary to enter La Fa, not whether to eliminate Hamas."

Neitana said that, out of respect for Biden, he agreed to send a delegation to Washington to hear the opinions of American officials, especially the opinions of humanitarian disasters.The White House expects that the Israeli delegation may arrive in Washington early next week.The US Secretary of Defense Austin and the Israeli Defense Secretary Garrant will also hold a bilateral meeting next week.

US officials: Cutting off Hamas's arms smuggling routes are more critical than offense.

The Israeli Times quoted two senior US officials reported that the United States will propose an alternative to the Israeli delegation to allow Israel to continue to crack down on Hamas when avoiding large -scale offense.It is reported that the United States will recommend that Israel focus on preventing Hamas from smuggling weapons by connecting the Philadelphi Corridor by connecting Egypt and Gaza.

U.S. officials said that compared to launching a large -scale ground offensive against La Fa, Israel reached a new agreement with Egypt and built necessary infrastructure to cut off this smuggling route, which can play a more critical role in disintegrating Hamas."If Israel rushes into La Fa, it will cause a large number of civilians and injuries, and cooperation with Egypt to block the Philadelphia Corridor will be much more difficult."

One of the U.S. officials show that the United States does not oppose that the Israeli army in Lafa has more targeted actions on Hamas leadership, but any of the actions in La Fa need a more stable humanitarian situation.

Canada will stop selling weapons to Israel

As more and more civilians died in the Gaza War, the Neutanhahu government was facing increasingly undergoing diplomatic pressure.The Canadian Congress on Monday (18th) has adopted a non -binding motion for the Harbin conflict, which includes the need to stop all military and technical trade with Israel.Canadian Foreign Minister Jolly said on Tuesday that the motion was "true", indicating that Canada would stop selling weapons to Israel in the future.

Israeli Foreign Minister Cat criticized Canada's decision to damage Israel's self -defense of Hamas terrorist, saying that history will severely judge Canada.

At present, the negotiations of Harbin Harbon are still ongoing.Qatar Foreign Ministry spokesman Ansari said on Tuesday that the agreement was not close, but Qatar had a cautious and optimistic attitude towards negotiations.He warned that if the army's offensive La Fa would cause humanitarian disasters, and once the situation is upgraded, negotiations will inevitably be affected.

Hamas leader of Qatar in exile, Hania, accused Israel of attacks on Gazhfa Hospital in the same day to create chaos and promote violence to try to destroy the ceasefire negotiations.The Army said on Wednesday (20th) that they had killed about 90 gunmen and arrested 160 people in the assault operation of Highero Hospital.

British Foreign Minister Cameron said on Wednesday that it is crucial to suspend the battle with Haha, but to achieve long -term ceasefire, you must first meet many conditions, including ensuring that Hamas leaders leave Gaza, and dismantle terrorists in Gaza.infrastructure.

According to sources quoted by Reuters, some folk communities and factions including Hamas, including Hamas, are providing security protection for assisting teams entering Gasha.Palestinian officials pointed out that this shows that Hamas is still influential in Gaza, and Israel's efforts to build Hamas's replacement regime Gasha are blocked.