(Gada / Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said on Wednesday that the United States has submitted a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council, calling on the ceasefire and hostage in the Gaza Strip immediately.However, the Security Council has not yet decided when to perform.

Brincken arrived in Gada, Saudi Arabia on Wednesday (March 20) to start the sixth trip to the Middle East since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict.In an interview with Saudi media, he said that the United States hoped that countries would support the draft resolutions it proposed, saying that it would release a very strong signal.

The United States has repeatedly rejected the draft resolutions of the Security Council about the suspension of the Security Council, but recently the failure to avoid civilians and injuries and more assistance into Kasha.According to the text seen by Agence France -Presse, the draft of the new version of the ceasefire resolution emphasizes that "immediately and long -lasting ceasefire must protect the civilians of all parties, provide fundamental aid and reduce pain, and release the hostage that is still detained."

Diplomatic sources revealed that the focus of the United States' alternatives is to support the six weeks of rest to exchange Hamas to release hostages, but this plan is unlikely to be passed.

Brincken met with Saudi Foreign Minister Farcasar and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed on Wednesday.US State Department spokesman Miller said that Brinton and Feroba discussed the urgent needs of protecting all Gaza civilians and immediately increasing humanitarian assistance to those in need.Blint also emphasized that it is important to continue to coordinate with regional and international partners to solve the conflict of Gaza and prepare for the post -war stage.

Bringscan moved to Egypt on Thursday (21st) and went to Israel on Friday.Miller said that Brins will discuss the progress of negotiations on the release of hostages with Israeli officials and increase their efforts to help Gaga.Blint also talks about how to ensure that Hamas was defeated in Gaza, including Lafaya, in the case of protecting the population of civilians and promoting the overall security of Israel.

Hamas refers

The Harbin conflict mediation personnel negotiated in Qatar for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, but did not make a breakthrough.Hamas's senior official in Lebanon said that Israel's latest proposal to Hamas generally responded negatively, and Israel's position even retrogsed.

Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu spoke to the United States Republican Senator on Wednesday that Israel will continue to attack Gaza to complete the goal of eliminating Hamas.

The Democratic leader of the Senate Democratic Schummer criticized Neitana last week to hinder the peace in the Middle East and call on Israel to hold a new election.The Senate Republican leader McConal said: "I show to Negathahu that it is not what to do with the democratic allies to hold elections or any of their potential military operations, not what to do in the United States."

As the presidential election will hold the presidential election this year, the video conference between Neganahu and the Republican Party highlights the politics of the United States for policies.

Neutanahu originally hoped to talk to Democrats, but Shu Mo refused on the grounds that the dialogue should not be divided into parties.He said: "I am very concerned about the long -term future of Israel and its long -term. When this problem is added with the party, helping Israel's career will be damaged."

Some Democrats call for Bayeng's pressure to relieve crisis

Democratic parties have also disagreed due to the Gaza War. Progressive Democrats called for Bayeng to put more pressure on Israel to allow it to take more action to relieve the Gaza humanitarian crisis.

More than one -third of the Democratic members of the United States Senate jointly sent a letter to Biden on Wednesday, calling on the government to immediately establish a bold public framework to outline the steps needed for the establishment of the Palestinian State on the west bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip.

The letter says that the Middle East crisis has come to a inflection point, and the United States must play the leading role beyond the past, not just to promote negotiations.They pointed out that the independent Palestinian State will be non -military and abandon Hamas while recognizing Israel.They also proposed that Israel and the Middle East are integrated through regional peace initiatives.

Nearly 70 former US officials also sent a letter to the Bayeng government on Wednesday, asking it to warn Israel, if they deprive the Palestinian citizen rights and basic materials and expand the settlement of the west bank of the Jordan, it will face serious consequences, including includingThe United States may restrict the aid.